HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025 has a nine-point scale system to calculate the grades of the students. The grades range from A1 to E. Students scoring more than 91% marks are provided with an A1 grade.

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HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025 is put forward by the Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH). Haryana Grading System is a nine-point-scale Grading System that requires students to get passing grades in all the subjects, to get promoted to the next higher level. HBSE 10th Result 2025 contains subject-wise marks along with the corresponding grades, based on the grading system. The assessment of the students is done via written and practical examinations. To clear the HBSE Board Exams 2025, students are required to score minimum passing marks, in both written and practical examinations.
The Haryana Board exam assessment is prescribed based on the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) pattern. As per the CCE pattern, the theory exam is conducted for 80 marks while the practical and internal tests account for 20 marks. A student needs to secure the minimum required grade to pass the HBSE 10th Board 2025. Read the complete article to better understand the HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025.
Latest Updates
- 23rd January 2025: BSEH has released the date sheet for class 10th. The exams will be held from February 28 to March 19, 2025.
HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025
HBSE 10th Grading System 2025 is a nine-point-scale system, with the highest Grade being 'A1' while the lowest being 'E'. But the minimum grade required to claim the HBSE Class 10th passing certificate after declaring the HBSE 10th Result 2025 is 'D1'. Take a look at the table given below to understand it better:
91-100 | A1 |
81-90 | A2 |
71-80 | B1 |
61-70 | B2 |
51-60 | C1 |
41-50 | C2 |
33-40 | D1 |
21-32 | D2 |
00-20 | E |
Also Read: Haryana 10th Compartment Exam 2025
HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025: Passing Criteria
Some rules and regulations have been set forward by HBSE to provide the marksheet and passing certificate to the students. Check out the passing criteria from the pointers given below:
- To get the certificate of qualification, students need to pass all five subjects of the external examination separately i.e. in Hindi (First Language), English (Second Language), Mathematics, Social Science, and Science and Technology.
- Students need to obtain at least 33% marks in theory and practical exams separately to be declared as “Pass”.
- If the students get passing marks in all 6 subjects then the best 5 scoring subjects of external examination will be counted for determining aggregate marks/Grade Point Average, i.e. the subject in which one has obtained the least marks will not be counted.
- In case more than one subject has the same least marks, then the subject not to be counted will be in the following order of priority: Social Science, Science & Technology, Mathematics, Hindi, English.
- In case, the students do not get the minimum passing marks in theory or practical paper or vice versa then they will have to reappear only for that particular paper so if they have failed to get minimum passing marks in the theory exam then the practical marks will be retained from their initial board paper.
- If the students fail to get minimum passing marks in Hindi but have got passing marks in Sanskrit as a 6th subject then the Sanskrit exam can replace the Hindi exam for getting the certificate of qualification since it is compulsory to pass in Hindi.
Also Read: HBSE 10th Toppers 2025
HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025: Grace Marks
Grace marks are provided by the HBSE authorities to help the students pass the board exams if they are falling short of getting the minimum passing marks as per the following provision:
- 1% grace (per subject appeared) will be given for qualifying (i.e. for getting 33% marks) in as many subjects as possible, and not for improving grade.
HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025: Scheme of Exam
Students can check the exam pattern for class 10th from the table given below and prepare for the board exams accordingly:
Name of the subject | Maximum Marks in Theory | Maximum Marks in Practical | CCE | Total Marks |
Hindi (First Language) | 80 | —– | 20 | 100 |
English (Second Language) | 80 | —– | 20 | 100 |
Mathematics | 80 | —– | 20 | 100 |
Social Science | 80 | —– | 20 | 100 |
Science | 60 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
Anyone of the following : A) Third Language (anyone out of Sanskrit/ Punjabi/ Urdu) | 80 | — | 20 | 100 |
B) Home Science | 60 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
C) Agriculture | 60 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
D) Animal Husbandry | 60 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
E) Drawing | 60 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
F) Music | 20 | 60 | 20 | 100 |
G) Dance | 20 | 60 | 20 | 100 |
H) Physical and Health Education | 60 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
I) Computer Science | 40 | 40 | 20 | 100 |
J) Any one of the following subjects:
| 30 | 50 | 20 | 100 |
Students who get more than 91% marks in a particular subject will be awarded with A1 grade on their marksheet. HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025 is adopted by HBSE to provide the respective grades to the students according to the marks that they have obtained in their respective subjects.
To calculate your percentage according to the HBSE 10th Result 2025, you need to add all the marks that you have obtained in the different subjects and then divide the sum by the number of subjects. The result will be your percentage.
The HBSE 10th Result 2025 released by the Haryana Board of School Education will include information about the subject-wise marks of the students along with theory and practical marks. The overall total of the students will also be reflected along with their passing status.
Students are required to pass all 5 external examination subjects such as Hindi (First Language), English (Second Language), Mathematics, Social Science, and Science and Technology as per the HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025. However, if you have taken Sanskrit as a 6th subject then it can replace Hindi if you fail to get the minimum passing marks in Hindi.
One percent grace marks will be provided to the students who are not able to pass the board exams with one percent or less in all five subjects. However, the grace marks will not be provided for the improvement of grades.
No, the HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025 is not different for theory and practical exams. Students need to score a minimum of 33% marks separately in theory and practical exams to be considered passing students.
The minimum passing marks required for the students to pass the board exam are 33%. Students must score at least a D1 grade according to the HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025 to be considered passing students.
The highest grade in HBSE Haryana Board Class 10 Grading System 2025 is A1. Students who achieve more than 91% marks in their respective subjects in theory and practical papers will be awarded an A1 grade. The overall marks the students have achieved must also be more than 91%.
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