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ISC Class 12 Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-25 is now uploaded on the official website of CISCE. The theory paper in Sociology will be conducted for 70 marks and 30 marks will be allotted for the practical/internal assessment. A total of 7 units are included in the curriculum from where the questions will be asked. The question paper will be divided into 3 sections A, B, and C, with 1 mark MCQ type questions in section A. In Sections B and C, students will get short and long answer-type questions of 4 and 7 marks each, respectively. For the practical exam or internal assessment, students will be judged by the internal teacher as well as the visiting examiner. Students will be allotted 2 case studies to be made in the practical session which will each carry 15 marks. Make sure to complete the ISC Class 12 Sociology Syllabus 2024-25 on time to revise for the exams in the last few days of the preparation.
Students can use ISC Class 12 Sociology Sample Paper 2024-25 to revise effectively. The duration for the theory paper will be 3 hours and 15 minutes will be provided for the candidates to read the question paper. Make sure to understand the detailed concepts included in the curriculum to perform well in your exams. Check out more information about the ISC Class 12 Sociology Blueprint 2024-25 here:
ISC Class 12 Sociology Blueprint 2024-25
A total of seven units are included in the curriculum. Students can check out the details information about the units and their chapters from the table given below:
Units | Chapters |
Social Institutions | (i) Definition and features of Social Institutions. Self explanatory. (ii) Types of Social Institutions |
Religion and Society | (i) Definition and concepts of religion and science; beliefs, rituals, superstitions, taboo. (ii) Theories of religion: animism, naturism, totemism, functional theories. (iii) Functions and dysfunctions of religion. (iv) Morality and social control. |
Political Organization | Political Organization and its role in bringing about change in society. |
Economic Organisation | (i) Economic Organisation (ii) Economies of Indian tribes: food gathering, agriculture, shifting axe cultivation, handicrafts, pastoralism, industrial labor. (iii) Agrarian Economy, Jajmani system, and MGNREGA (features of each one in detail). (iv) Traditional Markets |
Tribal India - Past, Present and Future | (i) Definition of tribe, features. (ii) Dormitories in Tribal India (iii) Present conditions, problems, and solutions. |
Social Stratification | (i) Social stratification (ii) Caste (iii) Gender: Difference between sex and gender, patriarchal ideology, and the status of women in independent India. |
Social Change and Development | (i) Social change and Development (ii) Aspects of Development (iii) Social Movements: Meaning, causes, and their role in society. (iv) Role of Education in creating Social change (v) Role of Mass Media in Creating Social Change |
ISC Class 12 Sociology Practical Exam Pattern 2024-25
Students must make two case studies which will be judged separately by the visiting examiner and internal teacher. Each case study will carry 15 marks which will be divided as follows between the teacher and the examination:
Practical Work Assessment | Marks Allocation |
Evaluation by the teacher | 5 Marks |
Evaluation by the Visiting Examiner | 10 Marks |
Total | 15 Marks |
Also Read: ISC Class 12 Sociology Previous Year Question Paper
Evaluation By The Teacher
The teacher will evaluate the case study of the student based on the following parameters and understanding:
S. No. | Assessment Objective | Criteria | Marks |
1 | Process | Candidates should be able to: Identify the topic. Plan and detail a research project. Select and use appropriate research methods. | 1 |
2 | Understanding, Application of Knowledge, and Analysis | Candidates should be able to: Explain issues and themes clearly and in context. Interpret, analyze, and evaluate critically a range of evidence to present reasoned, substantiated arguments/statements. | 2 |
3 | Presentation | Overall format, referencing (footnotes &/or bibliography), within the word limit of 2000 words, title page, header/footer, etc. | 2 |
Total | 5 |
Evaluation By Visiting Examiner
The examiner will take into account the following objectives and criteria to judge the student based on their case study:
S. No. | Assessment Objective | Criteria | Marks |
1 | Choice of Technique/Detailed Procedure & Presentation | Candidates should be able to use overall format, referencing (footnotes &/or bibliography), title page, header/footer, etc. | 4 |
2 | Analysis and Evaluation | Candidates should be able to: Interpret, analyze, and evaluate critically a range of evidence to present reasoned, substantiated arguments/statements. | 3 |
3 | Viva | Range of questions based on the project only. | 3 |
Total | 10 |
Also Read: ISC 12th Time Table 2025
ISC Class 12 Sociology Question Paper Pattern 2024-25
The theory paper will be conducted for 70 marks. Students can refer to the question paper pattern from the pointers given below:
- The duration of the exam will be 3 hours and 15 minutes will be provided to read the question paper.
- The question paper will have 7 printed pages.
- It is divided into three sections and has twelve questions in all.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Section A has fourteen subparts which are very short answer questions. Each question carries 1 mark. While attempting Multiple Choice Questions in Section A, you are required to write only ONE option as the answer.
- Section B has seven questions which are short answer questions. Each question carries 4 marks.
- Section C has four questions which are long answer questions. Each question carries 7 marks.
- Internal choices have been provided in two questions in Section B and one question in Section C
Students must download the latest PDF of the ISC Class 12 Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-25 now listed on the official website. The curriculum PDF will provide you with an infrastructure that you need to follow when appearing for the exam.
To download the ISC Class 12 Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-25, students must first visit the official website of CISCE at cisce.org. On the homepage, click on the Examination option present on the menu bar and then select ISC to download the latest PDF of the curriculum.
According to the ISC Class 12 Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-25, there will be 2 case studies allotted to the students for 15 marks each for the practical exams. The practical exam will be conducted by internal as well as external examiners appointed by CISCE.
As per the ISC Class 12 Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-25, the theory exam will be conducted for 70 marks and the practical session will be conducted for 30 marks.
CISCE has now released the latest PDF of the ISC Class 12 Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-25 on its official website. A few changes have been made in the curriculum to be acknowledged by the students.
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