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Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2025 : The theory paper in physics will be conducted for 70 marks and 30 marks will be allotted for the practicals. For the theory exam, students will have to prepare 14 units. The question paper will be divided into 4 parts, where part A will have MCQs of 20 marks, part B and C will have short answer type question sof 10 and 15 marks respectively, and part D will have long answer type questions and numerical problems of 15 and 10 marks, respectivley. In practicals, students will be judged based on performing the experiment, Viva, and the project file made by them. No new changes are expected to be recorded in the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Syllabus 2025 this year. The students need to complete their syllabus as soon as possible to go on for revision.
To revise for the board exams, students can use Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Model Paper 2025 . In Physics, it is also important for the students to give equal time for diagrams and numerals. Make sure to complete your syllabus as soon as possible so that you have enough days to solve the model test papers available on the official website of KSEAB. Check out more information about the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2025 here.
Also Read: Karnataka 2nd PUC Time Table 2025
Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2025
A total of 14 units are included in the syllabus for the Physics exam in Karnataka 2nd PUC Board. Students can refer to the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Blueprint 2025 for the same from the table given below:
Unit Number | Chapter Name | Total Marks |
Unit 1 | Electric charges & Fields | 11 marks |
Unit 2 | Electrostatic potential and Capacitance | 11 marks |
Unit 3 | Current electricity | 14 marks |
Unit 4 | Moving Charges and Magnetism | 12 marks |
Unit 5 | Magnetism and Matter | 6 marks |
Unit 6 | Electromagnetic Induction | 8 marks |
Unit 7 | Alternating Current | 8 marks |
Unit 8 | Electromagnetic Waves | 3 marks |
Unit 9 | Ray Optics and Optical Instruments | 11 marks |
Unit 10 | Wave Optics | 7 marks |
Unit 11 | Dual nature of Radiation and Matter | 6 marks |
Unit 12 | Atoms | 4 marks |
Unit 13 | Nuclei | 5 marks |
Unit 14 | Semiconductor Electronics | 9 marks |
Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Practical Exam Blueprint 2025
The practical exam will be conducted for 30 marks in Physics. Students must appear for the practical exam to be considered for the passing certificate. Check out the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Practical Blueprint 2025 from the table given below:
Sl. No. | Particulars | Marks |
I | Performing the Experiment | 20 |
II | Viva – Voice | 04 |
III | Practical Record | 06 |
TOTAL | 30 |
Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Practical Distribution of Marks
As mentioned above, the marks will be divided into three parts in practicals. Students can refer to the distribution of marks in the different parameters from the tables given below:
Performing The Experiment
Sl. No. | Particulars | Marks |
1 | Writing the principle of the experiment | 2 |
2 | Writing the formula and explaining the terms | 2 |
3 | Writing the diagram/figure/circuit with labeling (At least two parts) | 2 |
4 | Writing the tabular column/ observation pattern | 2 |
5 | Constructing the experimental setup/ circuit | 3 |
6 | Performing the experiment and entering the readings into the tabular column / Observation pattern | 4 |
7 | Substitution and calculation/plotting the graph and calculation | 3 |
8 | Result with unit | 2 |
TOTAL | 20 |
- Four questions must be asked and each question carries 1 mark.
- The questions in the viva- voce should be simple, direct, and related to the experiment to be performed by the student
Practical Record
Sl. No. | Particulars | Marks |
1 | If the student has performed and recorded 12 experiments or more | 6 |
2 | If the student has performed and recorded 10 or 11 experiments. | 5 |
3 | If the student has performed and recorded 9 experiments. | 4 |
4 | If the student has performed and recorded below 9 and above 5 experiments. | 3 |
5 | If the student has performed and recorded 5 or less than 5 experiments. | 0 |
Also Read: Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Previous Year Question Paper
Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Paper Pattern 2025
Students must have information about the types of questions that can appear in the board exam. Check out the pattern that will be followed by KSEAB to frame the board question paper in Physics from the table given below:
Part | Question Type | Number of Questions to be Set | Marks Allotted per Question | Number of Questions to be Answered | Marks Allotted per Answer |
A | MCQ | 15 | 1 | 15 | 15 |
Fill in the Blank (FIB) | 05 | 1 | 05 | 05 | |
B | SA (2 Marks) | 09 | 2 | 05 | 10 |
C | SA (3 Marks) | 09 | 3 | 05 | 15 |
D | LA (5 Marks) | 06 | 5 | 03 | 15 |
Numerical Problem (NP) (5 Marks) | 04 | 5 | 02 | 10 | |
Total | 48 | 115 | 30 | 70 |
Students must download the latest Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2025 to plan out their study sessions for the upcoming months. These initial months are very important to lay the foundation of preparation for the board exams. Make sure to refer to the latest curriculum PDF as uploaded on the official website of the Karnataka Board. Also Read: Karnataka 2nd PUC Result 2025
A total of 14 units are covered in the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2024-25. The unit with the most amount of weightage allotted is current electricity.
Students must start covering the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2024-25 at the beginning of the academic year so that they have enough time to complete the syllabus entirely. It will take the students around 6 to 7 months to complete the syllabus thoroughly with every unit and chapter.
Students can take the help of their school authorities to obtain the Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2024-25 offline however it is uploaded online on the official website of KSEAB every year to be downloaded by the students in English.
Right now, Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2024-25 is not available on the official website of KSEAB however no new changes are expected to be recorded in the curriculum so the students can use the previous year's syllabus to prepare for the exam for now.
Karnataka 2nd PUC Physics Exam Pattern 2024-25 will be uploaded on the official website of the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board in the next few months. Students must download the latest curriculum to check the number of units included in the syllabus.
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