Never Miss an Exam Update
Maharashtra State Board HSC Physics Syllabus 2025 introduces students to the list of topics included in it. The students have to study 20 chapters in the Physics syllabus. All the details of the chapters are provided here. Students can check it and prepare a study schedule accordingly. For the Physics exam, the theoretical part consists of 70 marks, and the remaining 30 marks are for the practical exam. In the new exam pattern, the board has added multiple-choice questions to the paper. These questions consist of 25% of the total questions. Each student must attain 35% marks in each subject to pass the Class 12 exam. Maharashtra HSC 2025 exam will be conducted in pen and paper in February or March 2025. You can check the detailed list of the chapter-wise topics prescribed for Maharashtra State Board HSC Physics syllabus 2025 below. The PDF link is attached at the end of the article.
Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2025 - Download PDF
Maharashtra HSC Physics syllabus 2025 is demanding and difficult, but it is also rewarding. Students will gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their academics. Download Maharashtra HSC Physics syllabus 2025 PDF
Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2025
Maharashtra HSC syllabus for Physics consists of 20 units as mentioned below:
S.No | Topic Name | Subtopic |
1 | Circular motion | Angular displacement, Angular velocity and angular acceleration, Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity, Uniform circular motion, Radial acceleration, Centripetal and centrifugal forces, Banking of roads, Vertical circular motion due to earth’s gravitation, Equation for velocity and energy at different positions of vertical circular motion. Kinematical equations for circular motion in analogy with linear motion. |
2 | Gravitation | Newton’s law of gravitation, Projection of a satellite, Periodic time, Statement of Kepler’s laws of motion, Binding energy and escape velocity of a satellite, Weightlessness condition in orbit, Variation of ‘g’ due to altitude, latitude, depth and motion, Communication satellite and its uses. |
3 | Rotational Motion | Definition of M.I., K.E. of the rotating body, Rolling motion, Physical significance of M.I., Radius of gyration, Torque, Principle of parallel and perpendicular axes, M.I. of some regular shaped bodies about specific axes, Angular momentum and its conservation. |
4 | Oscillations | Explanation of periodic motion, S.H.M., Differential equation of linear S.H.M. Projection of U.C.M. on any diameter, Phase of S.H.M., K.E. and P.E. in S.H.M., Composition of two S.H.M.’s having same period and along same line, Simple pendulum, Damped S.H.M. |
5 | Elasticity | General explanation of elastic property, Plasticity, Deformation, Definition of stress and strain, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, Elastic energy, Elastic constants and their relation, Determination of ‘Y’, Behaviour of metal wire under increasing load, Applications of elastic behaviour of materials. |
6 | Surface Tension | Surface tension on the basis of molecular theory, Surface energy, Surface tension, Angle of contact, Capillarity and capillary action, Effect of impurity and temperature on surface tension. |
7 | Wave Motion | Simple harmonic progressive waves, Reflection of transverse and longitudinal waves, Change of phase, Superposition of waves, Formation of beats, Doppler effect in sound. |
8 | Stationary waves | Study of vibrations in a finite medium, Formation of stationary waves on string, Study of vibrations of air columns, Free and Forced vibrations, Resonance. |
9 | Kinetic theory | Concept of an ideal gas, Assumptions of kinetic theory, Mean free path, Derivation for pressure of a gas, Degrees of freedom, Derivation of Boyle’s law, Thermodynamics- Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature, 1st law of thermodynamics, 2nd law of thermodynamics, Heat engines and refrigerators, Qualitative idea of black body radiation,Wein’s displacement law, Green house effect, Stefan’s law, Maxwell distribution, Law of equipartition of energy and application to Specific heat capacities of gases. |
10 | Wave theory | Wave theory of light, Huygens’ Principle, Construction of plane and spherical wave front, Wave front and wave normal, Reflection at plane surface, Refraction at plane surface, Polarisation, Polaroids, Plane polarised light, Brewster’s law, Doppler effect in light. |
11 | Interference and diffraction | Interference of light, Conditions for producing steady interference pattern, Young’s experiment, Analytical treatment of interference bands, Measurement of wavelength by biprism experiment, Diffraction due to single slit, Rayleigh’s criterion, Resolving power of a microscope and telescope, Difference between interference and diffraction. |
12 | Electrostatics | Gauss’ theorem proof and applications, Mechanical force on unit area of a charged conductor, Energy density of a medium, Dielectrics and electric polarisation, Concept of condenser, Capacity of parallel plate condenser, Effect of dielectric on capacity, Energy of charged condenser, Condensers in series and parallel, van-deGraaff generator. |
13 | Current electricity | Kirchhoff’s law, Wheatstone’s bridge, Meter bridge, Potentiometer. |
14 | Magnetic effects of electric current | Ampere’s law and its applications, Moving coil galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer, Cyclotron. |
15 | Magnetism | Circular current loop as a magnetic dipole, Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron, Magnetisation and magnetic intensity, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism on the basis of domain theory, Curie temperature. |
16 | Electromagnetic inductions | Laws of electromagnetic induction, proof of, e = – dØ/dt Eddy currents, Self induction and mutual induction, Need for displacement current, Transformer, Coil rotating in uniform magnetic induction, Alternating currents, Reactance and impedance, LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only) Power in a.c circuit with resistance, inductance and capacitance, Resonant circuit, Wattless current, AC generator. |
17 | Electromagnetic inductions | Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard’s observations, Einstein’s equation, Particle nature of light. |
18 | Atoms, Molecules, and Nuclei | Alpha particle scattering experiment, Rutherford’s model of atom. Bohr’s model, Hydrogen spectrum, Composition and size of nucleus, Radioactivity, Decay law, massenergy relation, mass defect, B.E. per nucleon and its variation with mass number, Nuclear fission and fusion, de Broglie hypothesis, Matter waves – wave nature of particles, Wavelength of an electron, Davisson and Germer experiment, Continuous and characteristics X-rays. |
19 | Semiconductors | Energy bands in solids, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, P-type and Ntype semiconductor, P-N junction diode, I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias, Rectifiers, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, Photodiode, Solar cell, I-V characteristics of LED, Transistor action and its characteristics, Transistor as an amplifier (CE mode), Transistor as a switch, Oscillators and Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR). |
20 | Communication systems | Elements of communication system, the bandwidth of signals, the bandwidth of transmission medium, Need for modulation, Production and detection of amplitude modulated wave, space communication, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere. |
Download Maharashtra HSC Sample Question Paper 2025
How to download Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2025?
Students should complete the Maharashtra Class 12 Syllabus 2025 a month before the board exams. Here are the steps to download the Maharashtra HSC Physics syllabus 2023-24 from the board's official website:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Maharashtra HSC board - mahahsscboard.in.
Step 2: Click on the section "Subjects & Syllabus" from the primary menu tab on the Home page.
Step 3: Select "HSC General Subject Codes and Syllabus" from the dropdown menu.
Step 4: Selecting the HSC General syllabus option will redirect you to the HSC syllabus page.
Step 5: Choose the option “HSC Physics Syllabus 2025” Download it and save it for future reference.
Benefits of Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus
Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus can guide students in advance about the list of chapters included in the syllabus. The students can check the syllabus in detail and prepare a study plan, which will help them to prepare well and perform better.
- Make a Time Table - Through the study schedule, students can rest assured that the syllabus will be completed in time. This will lessen the burden and students will be able to focus on their studies.
- Prepare Notes for Last Moment - The notes made during the exam preparation can help students to revise the topics quickly.
- Pay attention to important topics - Students should prioritize the topics and ensure they focus more on the topics with higher marks.
- Practice drawing diagrams - Students should draw diagrams as per the requirements of the answers. While preparing, they can draw diagrams with complete labeling. The regular practice will help them to draw well-labelled diagrams easily during exams.
- Practice writing answers - After completing the syllabus, students can start solving the questions from sample papers and previous year question papers. Students can write the answers to practice for board exams.
Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus Preparation Tips
To score higher marks in Maharashtra HSC Physics, students can follow the important tips given below.
- Possess Good Knowledge of all Topics - Students should focus on all topics when preparing the Physics syllabus for board exams. With in-depth understanding of the topics, students will find it easy to answer the questions.
- Prepare Own Notes - While studying as per the study plan, students can make their own notes. They can write down the equations to remember the topics.
- Regular Revision - After completing the syllabus, students should regularly revise the syllabus. They should pay attention to each and every topic. Students should ensure that they do not leave any topic.
- Solve Previous Year Question Papers - Completing the syllabus is not sufficient for students. They need to check their preparation level by solving the previous year question papers.
- Focus on Speed and Accuracy - When solving the questions, students should ensure that they complete all the chapters within time. The answers should be written accurately and students should recheck the answer sheet before submitting.
Students can keep visiting the page for the latest updates related to the Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2025.
In the question paper, students will get very short, short, and long questions. Students can prepare the Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus in-depth to answer all the questions.
Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2024-25 is designed as per the capabilities of students. It is advised to complete the syllabus twice before exams to get a good understanding of it.
Yes, students with in-depth knowledge of the syllabus can easily solve questions and score above 70 marks in the Maharashtra HSC Physics exam 2024-25.
The Maharashtra board provides the Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus online. Students can visit the official website and download the Physics syllabus available in the PDF format.
To quickly complete the Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2024-25, students can check the list of topics included, divide them into different parts and prepare a schedule to cover them. The students can set a daily target and try to complete the syllabus in advance.
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