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MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025 can be checked online. The syllabus is divided into four sections - Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Textbook. Students can refer to the books prescribed by the MP board and cover up the topics included. The students can focus on each of the sections one by one and start solving the questions to check their preparation level. They can also go through the exam pattern to get an idea of the types of questions. They should regularly attempt questions related to essays, comprehension, grammar, and textbook. The students can also pay attention to the marks allotted to each of the questions and prepare accordingly. For more information about the MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025, read the article in detail.
MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025: Direct PDF
Students can download the PDF of the MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025 from the direct link given below:
MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025 (To be activated) |
How To Download MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025?
The syllabus is listed on the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education to be downloaded by the students. Check the simple procedure given below to download the syllabus:
- Step 1: Visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education at mpbse.nic.in
- Step 2: On the homepage, click on the IMPORTANT NOTICE Section
- Step 3: A list of important notifications will open on your screen
- Step 4: Click on the option called शैक्षणिक सत्र 2025 के लिए कक्षा 9वीं से 12वीं तक समस्त विषयों का पाठ्यक्रम ।
- Step 5: The PDF file of the syllabus will open on your screen.
MP Board Class 12 English Syllabus 2025: Section-Wise
The syllabus for the English language is distributed in four parts. Students can check the details related to the section-wise syllabus from the information given below:
Section A: Reading Skills
Reading comprehension through the unseen passage.
Two unseen passages to assess comprehension, interpretation, inference, and vocabulary. The passage may be factual, descriptive, literary, or case-based.
Multiple-choice questions/objective-type questions will be asked.
Section B: Writing Skills
- Note Making
- Summarizing
- Sub-titling
- Essay writing
- Letter writing
- Creative writing
- Note Making based on a passage.
- Notice/ Advertisement/ Poster making.
- Creative writing skills aid in developing abilities in critical thinking and creative problem-solving.
- Letter writing- Formal/informal letter to enable the students to identify the elements of a letter and to apply them and compose a letter. They must be able to produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
- Long Composition- Writing an essay/ article/ paragraph to enable the students to learn the presentation of a coherent argument in response to a stimulus or question and develop research, communication skills, creative and critical thinking, organization of thoughts, etc.
Section C: Grammar Skills
(I) Questions on gap filling, Tenses, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, Articles, Modals, Determiners, etc.
(II) Do as directed: Voices, Transformation of sentences, Clauses, etc
Section D: Literature Skills
This section will have a variety of assessment items including multiple choice questions, objective type questions, short answer type questions, and long answer type questions to assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation of the textbooks. The following chapters from the prescribed textbooks will be included:
- The Last Lesson
- Last Spring
- Deep Water
- The Rattrap
- Indigo Louis
- Poets And Pancakes
- The Interview Part I and Part II
- Going Places
- My Mother At Sixty-Six
- Keeping Quiet Pablo Neruda
- A Thing Of Beauty
- A Roadside Stand
- Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
- The Third Level
- The Tiger King
- Journey to the end of the Earth
- The Enemy
- On the face of it
- Memories of Childhood
- The Cutting of My Long Hair
- We Too are Human Beings
MP Board Class 10 English Question Paper Design
Students can check the table below to get an idea about the pattern of questions in the question paper. According to it, students can prepare the questions.
Sections | Specifications | Marks |
Section A | Reading Skill | 10 |
Section B | Writing Skills | 16 |
| |
Section C | Grammar | 10 |
Section D | Textbooks | 39 |
Total - | 75 |
MP Board Class 10 English Books
Following are the books suggested by the MP board for students to go through and prepare for the board exams.
- Flamingo
- The Rainbow Textbook (Special English)
- The Rainbow Workbook (Special English)
MP Board Class 10 English Preparation Tips
The students can follow the important preparation tips given below to prepare for the English subject. With these tips, it will be easy for students to score high marks.
Make a Study Plan - Students should create a study plan in advance. Considering the syllabus, students can check out the topics and make a study schedule. Following the study routine, students can divide the syllabus into different parts and allocate a specific time limit for each of the topics.
Comprehensive Reading - Regular reading practice enables students to understand the questions. By continuously reading the poems, stories, and plays, students can develop a practice that helps them to understand the questions and write correct answers too.
Practice Writing Answers - The students should regularly practice writing short and long answers. This will help in improving the answer writing skills and score good marks.
Grammar and Vocabulary - It is an important section and students should possess a clear understanding of the concepts. Regularly practicing to write essays and letters increases the chances of scoring good marks in the grammar section.
Solve Previous Year Question Papers - Students can download the previous year question papers and start solving the questions. They can learn about the variety of questions and get familiar with the exam pattern.
Time Management - It is important for students to attempt all questions within the exam duration. They should fix a specific number of hours for each of the sections and attempt all questions during that time.
It is important for the students to give proper time to literature and other sections. MP 12th Board Exams 2025 will be conducted very soon so you must start preparing for them.
Students need regular practice to attempt all questions within the given time. They can regularly solve the previous year's question papers to increase their speed and accuracy.
Students must focus on covering the MP Board Class 10 English syllabus 2025 first. Then they can solve the sample and previous year question papers. This will help them to score good marks in board exams.
In MP Board Class 10 English exam 2025, students should score at least 33% marks.
Students can divide the MP Board Class 10 English syllabus in smaller units and set a time limit for each of them. This will help them to complete the syllabus in time.
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