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RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025: Students need to focus on solving the model papers to improve their time management skills along with identifying their weaknesses. The Physics model paper is structured for 56 marks. The model question paper is divided into four different sections. Section A has objective-type questions for a maximum of one mark each. Section B has short answer-type questions for 1.5 marks. Section C consists of short answer type questions for 3 marks each, and internal choices are present in this section. Section D consists of long answer-type questions, and students are provided with internal choices in each question. Students only have to answer two questions in Section D. Also Read RBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2025
RBSE 12th Board 2025 will be held in February and April 2025 as per the date sheet which was released recently. Check out more information about the RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025 here:
RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025: PDF
The direct PDF to download the RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025 is listed below. Students must refer to the latest model test papers to get the latest updates regarding the exam pattern and the syllabus done by the RBSE authority:
Academic Year | Download Link |
2024 | |
2023 |
How To Download RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025?
Students are responsible for downloading the RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025 after completing their syllabus so that they can hop on to the revision for the board exam. Check the steps to follow to download the model test papers which are listed on the official website of the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education:
- Step 1: Students must first visit the official website of the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/
- Step 2: Click on the option called Books/Old Papers/Model Questions from the menu bar present on the homepage.
- Step 3: On the new page, click on the option of DOWNLOAD BOOK / OLD PAPERS / MODEL QUESTIONS
- Step 4: Finally, select your academic year by clicking on MODEL PAPERS 2025
- Step 5: Click on Sr.Secondary (Science) Model Question Paper on the new page.
- Step 6: The combined PDF of the model papers for each subject in the science stream will open on your screen. You can now search for the Physics paper.
Benefits of Solving RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Paper 2025
Before going to appear for the board exams, students can solve the Physics model papers. This will help them to get good knowledge of different types of questions. In addition, there will be other benefits, such as:
- Get an idea of the short and long questions - Through the model papers, students can check the total number of short and long questions asked in the exam. Accordingly, students can prepare the questions from each of the topics.
- Check your own preparation level - By solving the questions regularly, students can check the level of their performance. They can solve the model papers and analyze their performance. It is the best measure to find out their strengths and weaknesses.
- Know the important questions - It is possible for students to check the important questions through the model papers. The questions that are frequently asked in the exam are considered important.
- Focus on weaker sections - The students can easily check the topics that need more preparation. If they are unable to solve the questions, they can revise the chapter and again try to solve similar questions in order to check the improvement.
- Improve your speed and accuracy - Through regular practice of questions, students can attempt all questions within the exam duration. In addition, they should ensure that all the questions should be answered correctly.
RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025: Instructions
Students need to follow a set of instructions before they attempt to solve the RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025. Check the details of the instructions from the pointers given below:
- The duration of the paper will be 3 hours and 15 minutes which will include 15 minutes of reading time.
- The total marks allotted for the Physics paper will be 56.
- Students must attempt all the questions.
- Section A will have objective-type questions for half a mark each. There will be 16 MCQs followed by 10 fill-in-the-blanks. This section will also have very short answer-type questions for one mark.
- Section B will consist of questions for 1.5 marks. There will be 15 questions in total.
- Section C will consist of short answer type questions for 3 marks each. There will be internal choices in these questions. There will be three questions in this section.
- Section D will have long answer-type questions for 4 marks each. There will be two questions in this section. Internal choices will be present in each question.
RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2025 is now available on the official website of RBSE. Download the PDFs for a quick revision and use them to evaluate your preparation for the board exams.
RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2024-25 will be structured for 56 marks. Students will be provided 3 hours to complete the question paper. The question paper will be divided into four different sections. The question paper will consist of MCQs followed by very short answer type questions, short answer type questions, and long answer type questions. Internal choices will also be present in the question paper.
While the RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2024-25 can be a helpful resource for preparing for your exams, it's important to note that relying solely on them may not guarantee a very good percentage. It's important to also thoroughly study the NCERTs.
It's ultimately up to you to decide whether or not you want to attempt the RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers for the 2024-25 academic year. However, keep in mind that practicing with model papers is usually a helpful way to prepare for exams and build confidence in your understanding of the subject matter.
Students must solve as many RBSE Class 12 Physics Model Papers 2024-25 as possible to get the best out of them. Try to download the model test papers available on the official website according to the different academic years and take your turn solving them one by one.
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