Never Miss an Exam Update
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 are 35%. You are required to score at least 35% of the total marks allotted for the theory exams to pass. The theory paper for language subjects will be conducted for 100 marks, out of which you are required to score 35 to pass. For subjects with practical knowledge, the theory paper will mostly be conducted for 60 marks, out of which you are required to score 21 marks to pass. For theory papers with 75 marks, you are required to score 26 marks to pass. However, for special needs students (blind, deaf, and dumb), the minimum passing marks are 25%. If you fail to get the minimum passing marks, then you will have to appear for the compartment exams.
The Board of Intermediate Education Telangana has also released the latest TS Intermediate Time Table 2025 . According to the date sheet, the exams will be conducted from 6th to 25th March 2025. Check more about the TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 here:
TS Intermediate Latest Updates 2025
- 17th March 2025: Board on Intermediate Education Telangana is expected to release the TS Inter Result 2025 tentatively on 24th April 2025. The result link will be activated on the official website of TSBIE.
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025
You are required to score 35% marks in every subject to pass. Check out the subject wise passing marks from the table given below:
Subjects | Total Marks | Passing Marks |
English | 100 | 35 |
Commerce | 100 | 35 |
Economics | 100 | 35 |
History | 100 | 35 |
Sociology | 100 | 35 |
Psychology | 100 | 35 |
Mathematics | 75 | 26 |
Geography | 75 | 26 |
Physics | 60 | 21 |
Chemistry | 60 | 21 |
Botany | 60 | 21 |
Zoology | 60 | 21 |
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 for English
The TS Inter 2nd Year English exam is conducted for a total of 100 marks, with a minimum passing requirement of 35 marks. The paper is structured into three sections: Section A (40 marks), Section B (16 marks), and Section C (44 marks).
Subject Name | Full Marks Available | Passing Marks [35%] |
English, Optional Languages (Hindi, Telugu, Sanskrit, etc.) | 100 | 35 |
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 for Science [Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany]
The TS Inter Science papers (Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany) carry a total of 60 marks, with a minimum passing requirement of 21 marks (35%). The exam is structured into three sections: Section A (10 questions – 20 marks), Section B (6 questions – 24 marks), and Section C (2 questions – 16 marks).
Subject Name | Full Marks Available | Passing Marks [35%] |
Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany | 60 | 21 |
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 for Mathematics
The TS Intermediate Mathematics paper is conducted for 75 marks, with a minimum passing requirement of 26 marks (35%). The paper is divided into three sections: Section A (10 questions – 20 marks), Section B (5 questions – 20 marks), and Section C (5 questions – 35 marks).
Subject Name | Full Marks Available | Passing Marks [35%] |
Geography and Mathematics | 75 | 26 |
TS Intermediate Grading System 2025
The Telangana Board has set a grading system for class 12 students. The board provides students with grades according to their marks. The Telangana Board follows a four-point-scale grading system. The highest grade among all is an ‘A’ grade, which is provided to students scoring above 750 marks. Check out the table below to understand the TS Intermediate Grading System 2025 , which includes marks, percentages, and grades.
Range of Marks | Percentage | Grade |
Above 750 marks | 75% or more | A |
600 to 749 marks | 60% - 75% | B |
500 to 599 marks | 50% - 60% | C |
350 to 499 marks | 35% - 50% | D |
000 to 349 marks | <35% | No Grade Awarded |
TS Intermediate Preparation Tips 2025
Everyone aims to score the highest marks in all subjects. Students studying in intermediate have to study 5 different subjects. To study hard and perform better in the board exams, students can follow the tips given here.
- Follow the syllabus: The first step to prepare for the board exams is to complete the syllabus on time. When students complete the syllabus in advance, they can solve questions and check their preparation level.
- Know your strengths and weaknesses: By solving the questions, students can check their strengths and weaknesses. In the weaker sections, students can get help from teachers. By improving the topics that they are weak in, students can learn to perform better.
- Prepare a study schedule: To complete the syllabus in advance, it is wise to prepare a study schedule. Students can divide the syllabus into smaller units and allocate a fixed number of hours to complete each of the topics.
- Make handwritten notes: While going through the syllabus, students can prepare handwritten notes. These notes help students to learn the topics easily and revise them quickly before the exams. By preparing handwritten notes, students can enhance their speed in writing answers in exams.
- Take breaks while studying: Students must take breaks in between while studying. These breaks freshen up their mind which helps them to concentrate and learn better. This will result in effective and quick learning.
- Time Management Skill : To perform better in exams, it is necessary to manage time. Besides completing the syllabus, students can also solve the question papers. By writing answers regularly, students can increase their speed and accuracy. With improved time management, students can easily attempt all questions in board exams.
Read More - Telangana Intermediate Preparation Tips 2025
To get more updates related to the passing marks for theory and practical exams, students can visit the page. All details will be updated and provided here. Students can get an idea of the marks and aim at scoring at least the passing marks.
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 for supplementary students are also 35%. You are required to score a minimum of 35% marks in both theory and practical papers to be eligible for the supplementary marksheet.
If you are unable to achieve the TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025, then you will be required to sit for the compartment exams, which will be conducted after the release of the initial result. The registrations for the compartment exams will begin in May, and the exams will be held in June/July.
If a student is unsatisfied with the marks obtained in TS Intermediate, he/she can go for revaluation. The students will have to pay a fee of Rs. 100 per subject for recounting and Rs. 600 for re-verification.
TS Inter Grading System 2025 is a 4-point grading system. Students are awarded with A, B, C, and D grades. The students who score below 350 marks are not provided with any of the grades.
After completing the syllabus, students can start solving the previous year question papers. This will introduce them to the types of questions and encourage them to score well in board exams.
Students scoring above 750 marks in the exam will be awarded with “A” grade. TS Intermediate Board 2025 consists of grades from A to D.
TS Intermediate Passing Marks 2025 are 35% marks in both theory and practical exams. The deaf and dumb students need only 25% to pass the exams.
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