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CBSE Class 12 Political Science Previous Year Question Paper: The CBSE provides the CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper in PDF formats for students. The question papers are available on the official website of the board. Students are suggested to complete the syllabus in advance and solve the CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Papers. There will be 30 questions divided into 5 sections. Section A includes 12 multiple-choice questions, section B includes short answer questions of 2 marks each. The section C includes long questions of 4 marks each, in section D, students will find map-based questions and in section E, students will have to answer long questions of 6 marks each. Students can write answers as per the marks allotted to each of them.
The board is going to conduct the CBSE Class 12 exam 2024-25 from February 15, 2025. In addition to the previous year papers, students can also solve the CBSE 12th sample papers . Students can go through the article in detail to download the CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Question Paper for Political Science.
CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Question Paper for Political Science: Download PDFs
Download the previous year’s CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper from the table given below:
Year | PDFs |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2023 | |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2022 | |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2021 | |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2019 | |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2018 | |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2017 | |
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Question Paper 2016 |
Also Read: CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25
How to download CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Question Paper for Political Science?
Follow the step-by-step procedure given below to download the CBSE class 12 Political Science previous year question papers PDF from the official website of the CBSE board:
- Step 1: Visit the CBSE Board’s official website, at cbse.gov.in
- Step 2: On the homepage, scroll down to the “Board Examinations” tab. On clicking it, you will find a drop-down menu.
- Step 3: Then click on the tab “Previous year’s question papers”.
- Step 4: A new page will appear on your screen, where you will have to select the particular year and Class.
- Step 5: Thereafter click on the download tab against the political science previous year's question paper.
- Step 6: Download the question paper and save it for future reference.
Benefits of Practicing CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Question Paper for Political Science
In this increasingly competitive environment, every student wants to stand out in the examinations. Some of the important reasons that board exam appearing students should follow to solve the CBSE class 12 Political Science previous year question papers are given below:
- Practicing the CBSE class 12th Political Science previous year question papers is a great way to assess one’s preparation for the board exams. One can figure out their strong and weak areas and work accordingly.
- Solving the previous year's question papers will also allow the students to know their mistakes and rectify them before appearing for the actual exam.
- Students can familiarize themselves with the latest and updated marking scheme and exam pattern of the CBSE Class 12 political science board exam by solving the papers.
- This will also help them to get an insight into the typologies and the difficulty level of the questions that come in the board exams.
- Students can also highlight the repeated questions, as they are the important ones, therefore they must prioritize those questions.
- Students will also learn to manage time during the board examination by practicing the CBSE 12th Political Science previous year question papers within the allotted time. It will boost one’s confidence level while attempting the board exam.
- Students can revise the CBSE class 12 Political Science syllabus by practicing the previous year's Political Science question papers.
- As it is known to all “Practice makes perfect”, practice will always lead one to success. Hence, just completing the syllabus will not work. One should solve the previous year's question papers daily after they have completed the syllabus.
Tips to Write CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answers
Following are some of the important tips for students to write answers for the CBSE Class 12 Political Science. Implementing these tips while writing answers will make it easy for students to write better answers and score higher marks.
Understand the Question - Students should read the question twice before answering them. They should understand what the question is asking. Accordingly, they can add the relevant points in the answer.
Plan a Structure - After understanding the question, they can plan a blueprint of answers. With a structure in their minds, it becomes easy for them to frame the answer in an organized pattern. This will help them score good marks.
Highlight Important Points - While writing answers, students should focus on presenting the important points in such a way that they can easily catch the teacher’s attention. The students can write the answer bullet points or highlight the important points in paragraphs. They can also make different paragraphs to enhance the readability.
Check the Marks Allotted -
Students are suggested to write answers according to the marks allotted to the question. The 2 marks question can be answered in 50 words. Similarly, for 4 marks and 6 marks questions, students can follow the different word limits.
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CBSE Class 12 Marksheet 2025
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Preparation Tips
Students going to appear for the CBSE Class 12 Political Science exam can follow the tips given below to prepare for the board exams. These tips will make it easier for students to score good marks.
Focus on Key Concepts - Students should go through the syllabus in detail and ensure they do not skip any topic. It is necessary to possess in-depth knowledge of all the topics. Only then students will be able to write correct answers.
NCERT Books - Students should stick to the NCERT books. These books are recommended by the board. The books have proper explanations in simple language. Students can easily get good knowledge of all the chapters through these books.
Create a Study Plan - After going through the syllabus, students can divide the syllabus into smaller units and prepare a study plan. This will help them to cover up the syllabus in smaller parts. Hence, students will easily complete the syllabus in advance and start solving questions.
Revise Regularly - When students are able to complete the syllabus in advance, they have sufficient time to revise. Students can regularly revise the chapters to ensure they have not left any topic. Moreover, they should get better knowledge of the subject on revising again.
Solve Questions - While revising the syllabus, students should start solving the questions. They should solve sample papers and previous year question papers. By solving a variety of questions, students will be able to answer all the questions in board exams.
Practice Writing Answers -
To perform better in board exams, students can regularly write answers. They should start practicing the questions by writing answers. Especially, the long questions should be practiced for various topics.
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CBSE Class 12 Result 2025
Students can regularly visit the page to get latest information related to the CBSE Class 12 Political Science Previous Year Question Paper. THe question papers are provided in the PDF formats. Students can click on the links to download the question paper and start practicing the questions.
To download the CBSE Class 12 Political Science Previous Year Question Papers, students can visit the official website of the CBSE board. THe question papers are available in the PDF format.
There are a total of 14 chapters included in the theory part of the CBSE 12th Political Science exam 2025. 7 chapters each from Part A - Contemporary World Politics and Part B - Politics in India since Independence.
Students can have a real-time experience of the examination hall by practicing the CBSE Class 12 Political Science Previous Year question papers. Solving the Previous year question papers can help them score better in the examination.
CBSE board has announced that the CBSE Class 12 exams 2024-25 will be conducted from February 15, 2025. THe detailed exam date sheet will be released in December 2024.
You can find the CBSE 12th Political Science Previous year question papers from the official website of the CBSE board. You can also download the CBSE Class 12 Political Science Previous Year question paper PDFs from the table mentioned above on this page.
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