JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 is based on 5 subjects each of which will carry 100 marks in the exam. Students must score at least 33% in General English and 36% in 4 other subjects. Students can check all details on the JKBOSE class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 here.

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JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025: The exam pattern for class 12th is set by the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE). The board sets a marking scheme and pattern of questions for all subjects of Science, Commerce, and Arts streams. After completing the updated JKBOSE Class 12 syllabus 2024-25 , students can go through the exam pattern to understand the overall pattern of questions in board exams. The exams will be of 100 marks (including theory and practical), and students will have to score at least 35% marks to pass in each subject. The students can easily score high marks in practical exams and raise their overall score.
The students can expect the exams to be conducted in March-April 2025 for soft zone and April-May 2025 for hard zone. JKBOSE 12th Date Sheet 2025 is likely to be released in January 2025. The JK Board will separately release the date sheet for soft and hard zone areas. To know more details about JKBOSE 12th exam pattern 2025, read carefully the article below.
JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25 Highlights
JKBOSE 12th exam pattern 2025 is meticulously planned. Along with the question format for each part, it also includes the marks assigned for each unit. The subjects covered in the JK Board 12th Class Syllabus 2025 give a strong foundation for students' graduation. Prior to the publication of the timetable , students should finish the entire syllabus. The NCERT curriculum, which prepares pupils for additional scholarships and competitive exams, is used in the JKBOSE class 12 exam pattern for 2025. Below are the highlights of JKBOSE class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25.
Name of Exam | JKBOSE 12th class examinations |
Conducting Authority | The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) |
Category | Exam Pattern |
Frequency Exam | Once in an Academic Year |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Duration of Exam | 3 Hours |
Marks (Question Paper) | 100 Marks (Theory Marks + Internal Assessments) |
Negative Marking | No Negative Marking |
Official Website | jkbose.ac.in |
Also check: JKBOSE 12th result 2025
JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024-25 List of Subjects
The class 12 exam consists of five subjects, including the compulsory language paper, English. From the list of available languages, the second language must be chosen. Each subject carries a total of 100 marks, including the practical and theoretical portions. The pattern is the same in both the summer and winter zones. The list of required and elective courses for students is shown below.
J&K Board Class 12 Compulsory Subjects:
First Compulsory Language- Hindi or Urdu Second Compulsory Language- Mathematics, English; Social Science- History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, ; Science- Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Disaster Management
J&K Board Class 12 Additional Subjects:
- Kashmiri
- Urdu
- Persian
- Sanskrit
- Dogri
- Punjabi
- Computer Education
JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern Marks Distribution
The subject wise distribution of marks is added below. Students should know which subjects include practical marks and which are completely theory-based. For the practical subjects, students should know the weightage for each.
Subjects | Distribution of Marks |
English | 100 Marks (Theory) |
Social Studies | 100 Marks (Theory) |
Maths | 100 Marks (Theory) |
Science | 84 Marks (+16 Marks Practical) |
JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 Stream-wise
In this section, we have provided stream wise JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern for the academic year 2024-25.JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 for Science Stream
The JKBOSE class 12 exam pattern 2025 for the science stream subjects has been added below:
Subject | Theory marks | Internal Assessment | External Examinations | Total Marks |
Physics | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Chemistry | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Biology | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Mathematics | 100 | - | - | 100 |
Environmental Science | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Informatics Practices | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Computer Science | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Geography | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 for Commerce Stream
There are six papers in the commerce stream, two of which are optional. Each subject carries 100 point total, including written and internal/external evaluations. In accounting, a written exam is worth 80 points, while an internal evaluation is worth 5. The students are required to produce an assignment for the 15-mark external exam in accounting. The school assigns the assignment's topic. The Entrepreneurship paper follows a similar trend. There are no formal exams for shorthand and typing; instead, only internal and external evaluations are done. The following table summarises the marking scheme:
Subject | Marks of theory | Internal Assessment | External Examinations | Total Marks |
Business Studies | 100 | - | - | 100 |
Business Mathematics | 100 | - | - | 100 |
Entrepreneurship | 80 | 05 | 15 | 100 |
Accountancy | 80 | 05 | 15 | 100 |
Shorthand and Type Writing | - | 40 | 60 | 100 |
Public Administration | 100 | - | - | 100 |
JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 for Humanities Stream
There are six papers in the Arts & Humanities stream, each worth 100 points. The only subjects in which grades are divided into written, internal and external evaluation, and project work are History and Geography.
Subject | Marks of Theory | Internal Assessment | External Examinations | Total Marks |
Philosophy | 100 | - | - | 100 |
History | 80 | 20 (project work) | - | 100 |
Economics | 100 | - | - | 100 |
Geography | 70 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
Political Science | 100 | - | - | - |
Education | 100 | - | - | 100 |
JKBOSE Topic-wise Weightage in Class 12 Exam
The new syllabus states that each course has had about 30% of its content eliminated. Each subject retained for the upcoming exam includes a list of subjects provided by the board. The most crucial concepts from each field have been kept, such as Mensuration in mathematics and Consumer Equilibrium in economics. Below is a list of all the subjects' sectional weights:
JKBOSE 12th Economics Marks Distribution 2025
Units | Topic | Marks |
Unit 1 | Introduction' | 4 |
Unit 2 | Consumer Equilibrium and Demand | 14 |
Unit 3 | Producer Behaviour and Supply | 14 |
Unit 4 | Forms of Market and Price Determination | 8 |
Introductory Macroeconomics | ||
Unit 5 | National Income and Related Aggregates | 10 |
Unit 6 | Money and Banking | 6 |
Unit 7 | Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply | 12 |
Unit 8 | Government Budget and the Economy | 6 |
Unit 9 | Balance of Payments and International Institutions | 6 |
Project Work | 20 |
JKBOSE 12th Mathematics Marks Distribution 2025
For any board, the mathematics curriculum is one of the longest. As a result, the subject's syllabus has been condensed under the CBSE's syllabus reduction plan. It was crucial to maintain a similar pattern because the next entrance exams, like as JEE Main and NEET, have also scaled back their syllabuses under this model.
Topic | Marks |
Relations and Functions | 8 |
Algebra | 10 |
Calculus | 35 |
Vectors and Three Dimensional Geometry | 14 |
Linear Programming | 5 |
Probability | 8 |
JKBOSE 12th Geography Marks Distribution 2025
The most significant topics in geography are still retained. Some of the most crucial chapters pertain to the study of the environment, agriculture, trade, human activities, and other related topics as candidates seek further education in these areas.
Unit | Topic | Marks |
Unit 1 | Human Geography: Nature and Scope | 3 marks |
Unit 2 | People | 6 marks |
Unit 3 | 'Human Activities | 12 marks |
Unit 4 | 'Transport, Communication and Trade | 12 marks |
Unit 5 | Map work | 2 marks |
India People and Economy | ||
Unit 6 | People | 5 marks |
Unit 7 | Human Settlements | 4 marks |
Unit 8 | Resources and Development | 10 marks |
Unit 9 | 'Transport, International Trade and Communication | 8 marks |
Unit 10 | Geographical Perspective on Selected Problems and Issues | 5 marks |
Unit 11 | Map work | 3 marks |
JKBOSE 12th Political Science Marks Distribution 2025
Many chapters in political science are significant from the standpoint of higher education. Topics including security, international organisation, economic and political power, and international relations have all been kept.
Units | Topics | Marks |
Unit 1 | Disintegration of the “Second World” and the Collapse of Bipolarity | 6 |
Unit 2 | Alternative Centres of Economics and Political Power | 6 |
Unit 3 | South Asia in the post - Cold War | 6 |
Unit 4 | International organisations in a unipolar world | 6 |
Unit 5 | Security in Contemporary World | 6 |
Unit 6 | Globalization and its critics | 4 |
Unit 7 | Environmental and Natural Resources in Global Politics | 6 |
Unit 8 | Nation Building and its Problems | 6 |
Unit 9 | Era of One-Party Dominance | 4 |
Unit 10 | Politics of Planned Development | 2 |
Unit 11 | India’s External Relations | 6 |
Unit 12 | Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System | 5 |
Unit 13 | Crisis of the Constitutional order | 4 |
Unit 14 | Regional Aspirations and Conflicts | 6 |
Unit 15 | Recent Developments in Indian Politics | 7 |
JKBOSE 12th Physics Marks Distribution 2025
The table below shows the ten units of Physics. All these units are marked for different marks in total. Take a look at them to know where you need to work hard.Chapters | Marks |
Unit 1: Electrostatics | 8 |
Unit 2: Current Electricity | 7 |
Unit 3: Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism | 9 |
Unit 4: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current | 9 |
Unit 5: Electromagnetic Waves | 3 |
Unit 6: Optics | 14 |
Unit 7: Dual Nature of Matters | 4 |
Unit 8: Atom & Nuclei | 8 |
Unit 9: Electronic Device | 7 |
JKBOSE 12th Chemistry Marks Distribution 2025
When preparing for Chemistry, students must know the sections where they can score more. For this, they need to check the marks alloted to each of the units.Chapters | Marks |
Unit 1: Solutions | 7 |
Unit 2: Electrochemistry | 9 |
Unit 3: Chemical Kinetics | 7 |
Unit 4: d- and f- Block elements | 7 |
Unit 5: Coordination Compounds | 7 |
Unit 6: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes | 6 |
Unit 7: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers | 6 |
Unit 8: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids | 8 |
Unit 9: Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen | 6 |
Unit 10: Biomolecules | 7 |
JKBOSE 12th Biology Marks Distribution 2025
Different chapters in Biology are marked for different marks. Students must know in advance the marks allocation as it becomes easy for students to prepare the subject for board exams.Chapters | Marks |
Unit 1: Reproduction in Flowering Plants | 7 |
Unit 2: Genetics | 9 |
Unit 3: Biology & Human Welfare (Botany) | 7 |
Unit 4: Ecology & Environment | 12 |
Unit 5: Reproduction in Animals | 11 |
Unit 6: Genetics & Evolution in Human | 12 |
Unit 7: Biology in Human Welfare | 7 |
Unit 8: Biotechnology & its applications | 5 |
JKBOSE 12th Psychology Marks Distribution 2025
Units | Topics | Marks |
Unit 1 | Intelligence and Aptitude | 10 |
Unit 2 | Self and Personality | 9 |
Unit 3 | Meeting Life Challenges | 8 |
Unit 4 | Psychological Disorders | 9 |
Unit 5 | Therapeutic Approaches | 9 |
Unit 6 | Attitude and Social Cognition | 9 |
Unit 7 | Group Processes and Social Influence | 7 |
Unit 8 | Statistics | 9 |
Practicals | 30 |
JKBOSE 12th Sociology Marks Distribution 2025
Units | Topics | Marks |
Unit 1 | Introducing Indian Society | non-evalautive |
Unit 2 | Demography and Society | 8 |
Unit 3 | Social Institutions | 8 |
Unit 4 | Social Inequality | 8 |
Unit 5 | Challenges to National Integration | 8 |
Unit 6 | Methodology | 8 |
Unit 7 | Processes of Social Change in India | 8 |
Unit 8 | Change and Development in Rural Society | 8 |
Unit 9 | Globalization and Social Change | 8 |
Unit 10 | Mass Media and Society | 8 |
Unit 11 | Social Movements | 8 |
Practical | 20 |
JKBOSE 12th Home Science Marks Distribution 2025
In Home Science, students must know the subjects and the marks allocated to them. The table below shows the marks divided for each of the subjects.Units | Topics | Marks |
Unit 1 | Understanding Early Childhood | 18 |
Unit 2 | Nutrition for Self, Family and Community | 09 |
Unit 3 | Ways to Ensure Good Health for the Family | 09 |
Unit 4 | Money Management and Consumer Education | 11 |
Unit 5 | Consumer Protection and Education | 06 |
Unit 6 | Clothing - Selection and Care | 11 |
Unit 7 | Applications of Home Science Education | 06 |
Practical | 30 |
JKBOSE 12th English Marks Distribution 2025
Sections | Topic | Marks |
A | Reading Comprehension | 20 marks |
B | Writing Skills and Grammar | 30 marks |
C | Literature | 30 marks |
Internal Assessment | 20 marks |
JKBOSE 12th History Marks Distribution 2025
Topic | Marks |
Themes in Indian History Part I | 25 marks |
Themes in Indian History Part II | 25 marks |
Themes in Indian History Part III | 25 marks |
Map Work | 05 marks |
Project Work | 20 marks |
JKBOSE 12th Business Studies Marks Distribution 2025
Units | Topics | Marks |
Unit 1 | Nature and Significance of Management | 7 |
Unit 2 | Principles of Management | 6 |
Unit 3 | Business Environment | 3 |
Unit 4 | Planning | 7 |
Unit 5 | Organising | 7 |
Unit 6 | Staffing | 8 |
Unit 7 | Directing | 8 |
Unit 8 | Controlling | 4 |
Unit 9 | Business Finance | 10 |
Unit 10 | Marketing Management | 14 |
Unit 11 | Consumer Protection | 6 |
JKBOSE 12th Accountancy Marks Distribution 2025
Units | Topics | Marks |
Unit 1 | Accounting for Partnership Firms | 35 |
Unit 2 | Accounting for Companies | 25 |
Unit 3 | Financial Statement Analysis | 12 |
Unit 4 | Cash Flow Statement | 8 |
Project Work | 20 | |
Total | 100 |
JKBOSE 12th Exam Pattern 2025 Passing Marks
As per the JKBOSE 12th Passing Marks, students need to score a minimum of 33% in General English and 36% in the remaining 4 subjects. Moreover, they must get this 36% in both theory and practical exams as well as in an aggregate score to pass the JKBOSE 12th exam 2025. Check out the tables below to know the subject wise passing criteria.JKBOSE 12th Passing Marks for Theory Exam
Subjects | Total marks | Theory marks | Passing marks |
English | 100 | 80 | 26 |
Physics | 100 | 70 | 25 |
Chemistry | 100 | 70 | 25 |
Math | 100 | 100 | 36 |
Accounts | 100 | 80 | 29 |
Business studies | 100 | 100 | 36 |
Economy | 100 | 100 | 36 |
History | 100 | 80 | 29 |
Political Science | 100 | 100 | 36 |
Sociology | 100 | 80 | 29 |
JKBOSE 12th Passing Marks 2025 for Practical/ Internal Assessment
Subjects | Total marks (Practical) | Passing marks (36% of 20/ 25/ 15) | Total marks (Internal assessment) | Passing marks (36% of 10/ 25/ 5) |
Physics | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Chemistry | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Biology | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Microbiology | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Biochemistry | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Environmental science | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Information practices | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Geography | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Biotechnology | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Computer science | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Music | 25 | 09 | 25 | 09 |
Psychology | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
Accountancy | 15 | 05 | 05 | 05 |
Food technology | 20 | 07 | 10 | 04 |
To understand better, one needs examine themselves. Each topic needs to be revised, and this should be done. Candidates must also allot enough time for revision. Set up practise exams to find out the candidates' writing speeds and adjust your practise accordingly.
Students can check the JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025 in advance to know the marking scheme and types of questions.
Students can get updated exam pattern and syllabus of the JK Board 12th standard exam on the official website of jkbose.ac.in
The JKBOSE class 12 exam pattern is designed using objective and descriptive question types, according to the Jammu & Kashmir Board. Based on the question typologies found in each chapter of the topic, the marking scheme is assigned.
Students need at least 35% marks to pass the class 12th exams as per the JKBOSE 12th exam pattern 2025.
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