Never Miss an Exam Update
RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2025 is now available on the official website of the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education. According to the latest exam pattern, the theory paper will be conducted for a total of 80 marks, and 20 marks will be allotted for the internal assessment. The syllabus is divided into two parts, i.e., microeconomics and macroeconomics, of 40 marks each. In the final question paper, students will get objective-type questions of 1 mark each along with very short, short, long, and essay-type questions of 1, 2, 3, and 4 marks each. Make sure to complete the RBSE Class 12 Economics Syllabus 2025 on time so that you have enough days for an effective revision of the exam.
Students must also download the latest
RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper
revision. Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education will release the date sheet for the exams in the last few months of the year. Students are required to get minimum passing marks in both theory and practical exams to be eligible for the passing certificate. Check out more information about the RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2025 here.
Also Check
RBSE 12th Time Table 2025
RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2025
The theory paper in Economics will be conducted for 80 marks. Students can check the table given below to refer to the marks allotted for the different units and prepare well for the exam accordingly.
Units | Marks |
Part A: Introductory Microeconomics | |
Introduction National Income Accounting | 8 |
Money and Banking | 8 |
Income and Employment | 8 |
Government Budget | 8 |
Open Economy | 8 |
Part B: Introductory Microeconomics | |
Introduction | 6 |
Consumer Behaviour | 12 |
Concept of Production and Costs | 12 |
Perfect Competition | 10 |
Total | 80 |
RBSE Class 12 Economics Question Paper Blueprint 2025
Students can refer to the structure that will be followed by RBSE to present the question paper for 80 marks from the table given below:
S.No | Item | Number of questions | Marks allotted for each question | Total Marks | Total Duration (m) |
1 | Objective type questions | 15 | 01 | 15 | 22 |
2 | Fill in the blanks | 7 | 01 | 7 | 10 |
3 | Very short answer type questions | 10 | 01 | 10 | 20 |
4 | Short answer type questions | 12 | 02 | 24 | 36 |
5 | Long answer type questions | 04 | 03 | 12 | 32 |
6 | Essay | 03 | 04 | 12 | 75 |
Total | 51 | - | 80 | 195 |
Students can also revise using the RBSE Class 12 Economics Previous Year Question Paper .
Benefits of Knowing RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2025
A lot of benefits will be provided to the students if they have detailed information about the RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2025 such as:
- Students will be able to make a study plan to be followed during the academic year by using the marks allotted for the different units included in the curriculum. This will help them to systematically prepare for the exam and not over-stress about it.
- Students can easily check the units with the most amount of weightage by using the exam pattern. As a result, they can allocate more days to focus on the most important unit first.
- The exam pattern will also help the students to track their study sessions. Students can easily learn about the units that they have completed and the units that are still left to complete if they print out the exam pattern and refer to it daily.
- The exam pattern PDF also includes the names of the books that the students need to refer to when studying for the exam. Mostly NCERTs are to be considered by the students when starting the preparations.
- Students can also get information about the marks allotted for the practical exam by downloading the latest exam pattern. Students must get minimum passing marks separately in both theory and practical exams to be eligible for the passing certificate. The marks obtained in the practical as well as the theory exam will be reflected in the marksheet.
According to the RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25, the theory paper will be conducted for 80 marks and the remaining marks will be allotted for the practical exam. The syllabus is divided into two parts for 40 marks each.
Yes, the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has now released the official copy of the RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25 to be used by the students to check the syllabus.
Students need to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education to download the RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25. From the menu bar present on the home page, click on the अनुदेशिका 2020 एवं पाठयक्रम 2023-2024 एवं 2024-2025 option to download the syllabus for the different classes.
No new changes have been recorded in the RBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern 2024-25 according to the latest curriculum PDF uploaded online on the official website of the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education.
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