CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solutions, Free PDF Download Here


Updated On: May 24, 2024 11:30 am IST

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Papers 2023-24 for previous years are available here in PDF format. Class 12 students can check and download the CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper PDFs and start practising to score well in the CBSE Board Exam 2025. 
CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solutions - If you are a CBSE class 12 student getting ready for the 2024-25 board examinations then you must practice a variety of questions from CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25. You'll feel more confident and have a better chance of passing if you solve the sample papers. You can get an idea of how the question papers will be formatted or marking scheme by using the CBSE History Sample Paper 2025. The CBSE Class 12 History question papers are based on the latest CBSE Class 12 History syllabus 2024-25 and exam pattern. As per the exam dates released by the Board, the CBSE class 12 exam 2025 will be conducted from February 15, 2025.

There is also map work that is worth a total of 5 marks that students need to cover while preparing for the exam. The project work will determine the additional 20 marks. There are 34 questions for a total of 80 marks on the board's sample paper, which must be completed in three hours. The questions range from descriptive long-answer questions to objective multiple-choice ones. Check the CBSE’s 12th History Sample Question Paper here and download the PDF from the link given in this article.
Also Read: CBSE Class 12 Datesheet 2025

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25 - Download PDF

CBSE Class 12 History Practice Paper 2024-25 is essential board exam material. Many students find history difficult hence careful planning can improve performance. The CBSE History Sample Paper 2024-25 pdf can be used by students to become familiar with the actual exam–level question paper. Once it is available, we will provide the link below:

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25 (Will be activated)

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023-24: Section A

Question 1 - Which one of the following was the main demand of the Khilafat movement?

  1. Dominion status for India
  2. Self-rule to India
  3. Restoration of Caliphate of Turkey
  4. Revival of orthodox culture of Islam

Question 2 - Which of the following issues did not contribute to the spread of the revolt of 1857?

  1. Issue of cartridges
  2. Conversion of Indians to Christianity
  3. Mixing of bone dust in flour
  4. Giving due right to the princely states.

Question 3 - Who among the following was the best known ruler of the Satavahana Dynasty?

  1. Yagnasri Satakarni
  2. Simuka Satakarni
  3. Gotami-puta Siri- Satakarni
  4. Vashisthaputra Satakarni

Question 4 - Identify the picture from the given options


  1. Terracota figure of a sathavahana ruler
  2. Ashoka fighting Kalinga war.
  3. Terracota figure depicting a scene from Mahabaratha (West Bengal)
  4. A sculpture depicting Krishna advising Arjuna.

NOTE: The following question is for the visually impaired candidates in lieu of Question number 4.

The didactic (informative) sections of Mahabharata were added in 200-400 CE. Which text do they largely resemble?

  1. Sutta Pitaka
  2. Manusmriti
  3. Rigveda
  4. Upanishads

Question 5 - Fill in the blanks.

Ashoka erected a pillar at ---------------- to mark that he had visited that place.

  1. Sarnath
  2. Sanchi
  3. Bodh Gaya
  4. Lumbini

Question 6 - Consider the following statements regarding Harappan Culture and choose the correct option.

  1. The most unique feature was the development of urban centres.
  2. The settlements were divided into two sections i.e. the citadel and the lower town.

iii. Drainage system was ordinary and unplanned.

  1. Roads were not laid out along a grid pattern.


  1. Only (i) is correct.
  2. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.
  3. Only (ii) and (iii) are correct.
  4. Only (iii) and (iv) are correct

Question 7 - There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R), mark your answer as per the codes given below. Assertion (A) Asoka inscribed his messages to his subjects and officials on stone surfaces. Reason (R) He wanted to proclaim what religion should be followed by all.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is true, but R is false
  4. A is false, but R is true

Question 8 - Identify the craft centers related to the Harapan civilization with the help of the given information. Located near the coast. They were specialized for making shell objects. Options.

  1. Chanhudaro and Mahenjadaro
  2. Nageshwar and Balakot
  3. Harappa and Lothal
  4. Bharuch and Dholavira

Question 9 - Who wrote the book Kitab-ul-Hind?

  1. Ibn Battuta 1
  2. Al- Biruni
  3. Francois Bernier
  4. Abdur Razzaq

Question 10 - Choose the correct option from the following statements with reference to the Magadha empire.

  1. Initially Pataliputra was the capital of Magadha.
  2. Chandra Gupta was one of the early rulers of Magadha who ruled in 6 BCE.
  3. Magadha became the most powerful Mahajanapada between 6 th and 4 th BCE.
  4. Ashoka was the founder of Mauryan dynasty.

Question 11 - Read the following statements carefully and identify the place where this Dargah is located from the given options.

  1. It is a Dargah of the Shaikh Moinuddin Chishti.
  2. Akbar visited this place many times.
  3. Delhi
  4. Mehrauli
  5. Ajmer
  6. Fatehpur Sikri

Question 12 - Which one of the following countries was the source of cotton after the break of the American Civil War in 1861?

  1. America
  2. Africa
  3. India
  4. Sri Lanka

Question 13 - With reference to the role of the British officers in India, Match Column-B with column- A, by using the codes given below.

Column A

Column B

a. Lord Cornwallis


b. Augustus Cleveland


c. Francis Buchanan

3.Governer General of Bengal

d. David Ricardo

4.Policy of Pacification


  1. 2, 1, 4, 3.
  2. 3, 1, 2, 4,
  3. 3, 4, 1, 2.
  4. 2, 3, 4, 1

Question 14 - Who among the following led the flag of the Revolt of 1857 against the British in Bihar?

  1. Nana Sahib
  2. Maulvi Ahmadullah
  3. Kunwar Singh
  4. Birjis Qadr

Question 15 - The___________ was the amount assessed and ____________ was the amount collected by the Mughal Kings as land revenue. Choose the correct answer from the given options.

  1. Iqta and jagir
  2. Jama and Hasil
  3. Naqdi and Iqta
  4. Zabti and Jama

Question 16 - Who among the following travelled in the Vijayanagar empire in the 15th century and was greatly impressed by the fortification of the Vijayanagar?

  1. Daurte Barbosa
  2. Colin Mackenzie
  3. Abdur Razzak
  4. Domingo Paes

Question 17 - Abu’l Fazl was a court historian of which the following Mughal emperor?

  1. Humayun
  2. Akbar
  3. Babur
  4. Jahangir

Question 18 - Choose the correct place from the given options: - Dussehra festival was held with great prestige and power at ________the Vijayanagar empire

  1. Hazara Rama Temple
  2. Virupaksha Temple
  3. Lotus Mahal
  4. Mahanavami Dibba.

Question 19 - Why was the task of defining minority rights in the Constituent Assembly difficult? Choose the correct option from the following: -

  1. Different groups had different demands regarding rights.
  2. British did not want to include it in the constitutional frame work.
  3. Gandhiji opposed the idea of special rights for some sections.
  4. Rights of people in Princely states were ambiguous.

Question 20 - Identify the name of the person from the information given below.

  1. He was born at Tangier in one of the most respectable and educated family.
  2. He considered experience gained through travel as a source of knowledge than books.
  3. He had travelled to midle east and few trading ports on the coast of East Africa.
  4. He wrote a book named Rihia Options
  5. Ibn Battuta
  6. Francois Bernier
  7. Al Biruni
  8. Domingo Paes

Question 21 - Gandhiji asked for the remission of taxes for the peasants in which of the following movement?

  1. Rowlatt satyagraha
  2. Champaran Satyagraha
  3. Kheda Satyagraha
  4. Salt Satyagraha

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023-24: Section B

Question 22 - Describe any three features of the burial sites in Harappa? OR Describe any three features of the ‘Great Bath’ used in the Harappan settlements.

Question 23 - Critically examine the limitations of the inscriptional evidence in understanding political and economic history of India

Question 24 - “India had unique system of communication during the 14th century” Examine the statement made by Ibn Battuta.

Question 25 - Analyse the main features of Amara nayaka system which was introduced in the Vijayanagar Empire.

Question 26 - “The Burdwan auction had a strange twist and was considered a big public event in 1797”, explain the statement.

Question 27 - “The relationship of the sepoys with the superior white officers underwent a significant change in the years preceding the uprising of 1857”, support the statement with examples.


“A cherry that will drop into our mouth one day”, who made this remark? (1 mark)

Explain the series of events that eventually led the cherry to fall into the mouth of the British (2 marks)

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023-24: Section C

Question 28 - “The Mahabharata is an invaluable source available to historians to study social practices and norms in early societies”, Justify the statement. OR Examine the elements analysed by the historians on the text of Mahabharata.

Question 29 - Examine the evidence that suggests land revenue was important for the Mughal Fiscal system.


Examine the condition of zamindars in Mughal agrarian society.

Question 30 - “The Quit India Movement genuinely a mass movement”. Justify the statement.


Examine the different kinds of sources from which the political career of Gandhiji and the history of the National movement could be reconstructed.

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023-24: Section D

Question 31 - Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The world beyond the palace Just as the Buddha’s teachings were compiled by his followers, the teachings of Mahavira were also recorded by his disciples. These were often in the form of stories, which could appeal to ordinary people. Here is one example, from a Prakrit text known as the Uttaradhyayana Sutta, describing how a queen named Kamalavati tried to persuade her husband to renounce the world: If the whole world and all its treasures were yours, you would not be satisfied, nor would all this be able to save you. When you die, O king and leave all things behind, dhamma alone, and nothing else, will save you. As a bird dislikes the cage, so do I dislike (the world). I shall live as a nun without offspring, without desire, without the love of gain, and without hatred …Those who have enjoyed pleasures and renounced them, move about like the wind, and go wherever they please, unchecked like birds in their flight … Leave your large kingdom … abandon what pleases the senses, be without attachment and property, then practise severe penance, being firm of energy.

31.1 Identify the person who persuaded the king to renounce the world.

31.2 “Oh king, dhamma alone and nothing else will save you”-. What does the word “dhamma” signifies and whose teachings was followed by the disciple.

31.3 Under which context the following statement “unchecked like birds in their flight…” was told by the disciple of Mahavira?

Question 32 - Read the source given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: A demon? This is an excerpt from a poem by Karaikkal Ammaiyar in which she describes herself: The female Pey (demoness) with . . . bulging veins, protruding eyes, white teeth and shrunken stomach, red haired and jutting teeth lengthy shins extending till the ankles, shouts and wails while wandering in the forest. This is the forest of Alankatu, which is the home of our father (Shiva) who dances … with his matted hair thrown own in all eight directions, and with cool limbs.

32.1. How beauty has been personified by Karaikal Ammaiyar?

32.2. “Bulging veins, protruding eyes, white teeth and shrunken stomach”, “Shouts and wails”. State the reason behind the poet’s condition in the excerpt given.

32.3 Examine the phrase “With his matted hair thrown in all eight directions”

Question 33 - Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow: “The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind” Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel said: It is no use saying that we ask for separate electorates, because it is good for us. We have heard it long enough. We have heard it for years, and as a result of this agitation we are now a separate nation … Can you show me one free country where there are separate electorates? If so, I shall be prepared to accept it. But in this unfortunate country if this separate electorate is going to be persisted in, even after the division of the country, woe betide the country; it is not worth living in. Therefore, I say, it is not for my good alone, it is for your own good that I say it, forget the past. One day, we may be united … The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind. We do not want to perpetuate that mischief. (Hear, hear). When the British introduced this element, they had not expected that they will have to go so soon. They wanted it for their easy administration. That is all right. But they have left the legacy behind. Are we to get out of it or not?


33.1. ‘They have left a legacy behind “who is referred as’ They’ ‘in this statement.

33.2. What do you infer from the statement ‘they have left the legacy behind?

33.3. Identify the ultimate message stressed by Sardar Valla Bhai Patel in his speech.

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023-24: Section E

Question 34.1 - On the given political map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:

a) Kalibangan, a Harappan site
b) Agra, a territory under Babur, Akbar, and Aurangzeb
c) Sanchi, a Buddhist site.
d) Ajanta, a Buddhist site

Question 34.2 - On the same outline map, two places have been marked as A and B, which are the centres of Indian National movement. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.

The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 34

Question 34.1 - (a) Mention any two sites of Harrapan period.

Question 34.2 - (a) Mention any one Territory under Ashokan empire.


(b)Where is Brihadishvara temple located?

Question 34.3 - Mention any two centres of the Gandhian movement

CBSE Class 12 History Previous Year Sample Papers with Solutions

CBSE Class 12 History Previous Year Sample Papers are very helpful in understanding the type of questions and pattern. The students must solve the Class 12 History Sample Papers to fetch some extra marks in the final examination.

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper

PDF Links

CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023-24

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2021-22 Term 1

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2021-22 Term 2

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2020-21 Term 1

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2020-21 Term 2

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2019-20

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2018-19

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2017-18

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2016-17

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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2015-16

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CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper 2024-25 - General Instructions

Let us explore the areas contained in the additional papers before we begin History Sample Paper 2024 -25.
  • Question paper comprises five Sections – A, B, C, D and E. There are 34 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
  • Section A – Question 1 to 21 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
  • Section B – Question no. 22 to 27 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60-80 words.
  • Section C - Question no 28 to 30 are Long Answer Type Questions, carrying 8 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 300-350 words
  • Section D – Question no.31 to 33 are Source based questions with three sub questions and are of 4 marks each
  • Section-E - Question no. 34 is Map based, carrying 5 marks that includes the identification and location. Attach the map with the answer book.
  • The exam doesn't offer a broad selection. However, a few questions have an internal choice available.
  • Such questions only need one of the possible answers to be tried. Additionally, distinct instructions are provided for each part and topic, if needed.

Benefits of CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25

CBSE Class 12 History sample papers offer several advantages to students:

  • Familiarization with Exam Pattern: Sample papers offer an understanding of the format, structure, and kinds of questions that could be included in the CBSE Class 12 History exam. On exam day, this familiarity makes students feel less nervous and more confident.
  • Understanding of Marking Scheme: Students can gain an understanding of the marking scheme used by examiners by working through example papers. With this knowledge, they can better manage their time and energy during the examination.
  • Evaluation of Preparedness: Students can use sample papers as a self-assessment tool to determine how prepared they are for the exam. Students can concentrate their review efforts by determining their areas of strength and weakness.
  • Improvement of Time Management Skills: Sample papers help students practice time management skills by setting realistic time limits for each section or question. This practice is crucial for completing the exam within the allotted time frame.
  • Application of Knowledge: To analyze and answer to questions, students must use their historical knowledge from the sample papers. This application strengthens learning, develops critical thinking abilities, and strengthens the capacity to make connections between various historical concepts and events.
Also Read: CBSE Class 12 Result 2025

CBSE Class 12 History Marking Scheme 2024-25

CBSE Class 12 History question paper consists of 3 sections – 1, 2, 3. Students can check the detailed CBSE Class 12 History Exam Pattern 2024-25 below:





Source Based




No of Questions


No of Questions


No of Questions


No of Questions




Part 1











Part 2











Part 3

















7x 3=21

6x 3=18

3x 8= 24



100 marks

How to download CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper?

CBSE will upload the class 12th sample paper 2025 to its official website. Students can download them directly from the website or this page. Find the step-by-step procedure to download CBSE 12 sample paper 2025 below:

  • Step 1: Visit the CBSE official website -
  • Step 2: Select the "Academic Website" option.
  • Step 3: Click on the "Sample Question Paper" section. Click on "SQP 2024-2025" and choose the "Class XII" option.
  • Step 4: Click on the "SQP" link to download the sample question paper PDF subject-wise.
  • Step 5: Save the CBSE 12th sample paper PDFs for further reference.

Recommended Books for CBSE Class 12 History

The books listed below are thought to be the best study materials for the CBSE Class 12 History examination. When studying for the exam, students are encouraged to give the NCERT books top priority.

Book Name


Themes in Indian History, Part-I, Class XII


Themes in Indian History Part-II, Class XII


Themes in Indian History Part-III, Class XII


Xam Idea History Book Class 12

Xam Idea

CBSE All-in-One History Class 12

Amibh Ranjan, Madumitta Pattrea

Students can get a thorough understanding of the board exam pattern, question kinds, response options, and other factors by using Sample Paper Class 12 History with Solution 2025 pdf. This sample paper and marking scheme would be extremely beneficial to students who choose History as one of their senior secondary topics.


Will the CBSE 12th History Board exams 2024 be based on 100% sample paper?

Yes, a few of the questions can appear from CBSE 12th Sample Papers. Students can check the CBSE 12th History Sample Paper 2024 by clicking on the link provided.  This way they'll be better prepared for the exams.

Is CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper 2023 -24 History PDF included the marking scheme and solution?

This page contains the CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper 2023 -24 History PDF, as well as the marking system and CBSE Practice Paper Class 12 2023 -24 Solution

Where can I download CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023 -24?

The CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2023 -2024 is now available on the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE),


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