RL Meaning in CBSE Marksheet 2025 - Check Abbreviation used in CBSE Class 10, 12 Result Here


Updated On: March 17, 2025 10:19 AM

"RL" or "Result Later" is an abbreviation introduced by CBSE in 2020. It indicates that the student's result is pending due to missing information or errors in the marksheet. Students who see "RL" should contact their school for updates. Check details here.
RL Meaning in CBSE Marksheet

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RL in CBSE Marksheet 2025 stands for Result Later. This term indicates that the result for a particular subject or the entire examination is not available at the time of the initial CBSE 12th Result 2025 declaration and will be released at a later date. Introduced in 2020, this abbreviation is used when a student's marksheet contains missing information or errors. The "RL" designation can be due to various reasons, such as incomplete evaluation, pending verification of marks, or administrative issues. In such situations, the result may be declared later. Students encountering this should reach out to their school for updates and resolution.

Understanding the meaning of "RL" and other abbreviations in the CBSE marksheet is crucial for students to make informed decisions about their academic future. This article aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of these terms, their implications, and the steps students can take to address them. Additionally, the CBSE marksheet features various abbreviations such as RT, RW, RL, P, and C. Some of these abbreviations are printed against specific subjects. For those who may not be familiar with the CBSE 10th and 12th marksheet abbreviations, below is a list of their full forms and meanings.

Also Check CBSE 10th Result 2025

Understanding RL Meaning in CBSE Marksheet

Introduced in 2020, the abbreviation "RL" in the CBSE marksheet stands for "Results Later." This designation is used when a student's marksheet contains missing information or errors. This could occur due to the failure to submit a student's data on time or discrepancies in the information provided. When encountering an "RL" mark, students should reach out to their schools for updates and further assistance. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some examinations were canceled, and the board had to establish alternative evaluation criteria for those papers. As a result, certain results were declared at a later date. Thus, "RL" serves as an indicator that the student's result is pending and will be released once the necessary information is verified and processed.

Reasons for "RL" in CBSE Marksheet

Students receive an RL mark in their CBSE marksheet because of several different factors. These are the typical reasons that lead to an "RL" mark on the CBSE student marksheet.

  • The evaluation process for particular subjects occasionally fails to meet its deadline. This could be due to delays in the submission of answer sheets, discrepancies in the evaluation process, or logistical challenges faced by the board.
  • The result is marked "RL" when students request re-evaluation or mark verification of specific subjects until the verification process ends.
  • The result will remain pending when students take subjects with practical components or internal assessments since their school has not submitted the assessment marks or the board has not verified them.
  • In some cases, discrepancies or inconsistencies in the marks awarded to a student may require further investigation. Until the discrepancies are resolved, the result may be marked as "RL."
  • The result ends up as "RL" when administrative problems arise due to data entry mistakes and insufficient student registration details.

Other Abbreviations Used in CBSE Marksheet 2025

In addition to RL, the CBSE marksheet includes several other abbreviations. Students can refer to the table below to find a list of these abbreviations along with their meanings:
Abbreviation Meaning

RW Meaning in CBSE Marksheet 2025

Result Withheld


Result Later

RT Meaning in CBSE Marksheet 2025

Repeat Theory


Eligible for Qualifying Certificate


Subjudice (Under Judgement)


Eligible for Improvement of Performance




Unfair means


Not Eligible


Not Eligible for Improvement of Performance

How to Resolve RL in CBSE Marksheet 2025?

Students and parents should take several steps to handle the concerning RL in CBSE Result 2025

  • Students should start by contacting school administration or the examination in-charge to determine the cause of the "RL" remark. The school will give information about any ongoing internal evaluations and administrative matters, that could potentially delay releasing the mark.
  • Students, together with their parents, are able to seek clarification from the CBSE central office or regional office after their school fails to solve the matter. Students can ask the CBSE authorities about the current state of evaluations together with the outcome timeline for releasing results.
  • All essential information, such as internal assessment marks together with practical exam marks, must be submitted before an announcement can be made.
  • The evaluation process takes time, so you must remain calm because the administrators are thoroughly conducting their work. The evaluation process requires emphasis on accuracy and fairness, which might result in time delays, according to the CBSE.

Also Read:

CBSE Passing Marks 2025

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released detailed pass criteria for students in Classes 10 and 12 for the year 2025. Here are the major points related to the same:

  • You will be eligible to receive the Pass Certificate if you achieve a grade higher than E in all subjects of internal assessment, unless exempted.
  • To pass the exams, you must secure more than 33% marks separately in theory, practical, and aggregate.
  • Those who fail in one or two subjects can appear in the compartment exam.
  • The passing criteria for the compartment exams are the same as those for the initial board exams.

Students should thoroughly examine their marksheets for any displayed abbreviations to determine if further action is required. If they notice "RL" (Result Later) on their CBSE marksheet, they should proceed with the application for compartment or improvement exams.


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