CBSE Class 12th English Chapter 2 - The Tiger King Important Questions with Answers

You should focus on solving CBSE Class 12th English Chapter 2: The Tiger King important questions, especially to help you score high marks. By solving CBSE Class 12th English 2 questions, you will be solving exam-oriented questions only.

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CBSE Class 12th English Chapter 2 - The Tiger King Important Questions with Answers are provided here that will help you in your last time preparation. Since CBSE class 12 board exam 2025 has alreasy started, you are adviced to go through the important questions from CBSE Class 12th English Chapter 2 that have the probaility to come in the exam. The Tiger King is a satire by the author Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishnamurthy, famous by the pen name "Kalki". The story mocks the arrogance and stubbornness of those who are in authority, highlighting the story of Maharaja Sir Jilani Hung Bahadur of Pratibandapuram. The backdrop of the story has been set in the pre-independence India when kings were under the British rule. The king was on the verge of disproving his fate that a tiger will kill him that a chief astrologer predicted. So, he hunted down 99 tigers successfully trying to prove the prediction wrong. However, the 100th tiger that was not although not made of flesh and blood take his life. The moral of the story is the consequences of wilfullness and arrogance and the uncertainty of life.

The CBSE Class 12 English syllabus 2025 is divided into Section A  (Reading Skills), Section B (Creative Writing Skills), and Section C (Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text). The section A will have 22 Marks, section B will carry 18 marks, while section C will have 40 marks. This makes the total of 80 marks in the theory paper of CBSE Class 12 English and the remaining 20 marks will be evaluated based on internal assessment. The Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text has two books, Flamingo and Vistas, each of which comprise prose and poetry. The Tiger King is chapter 2 of Supplementary Reading Test, Vistas which is published by National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi. Prepare thoroughly with the most important questions of CBSE Class 12th English Chapter 2 - The Tiger King. You can first cover the CBSE Class 12th English syllabus to understand the key topics and then start solving the CBSE Class 12th English Chapter 2 - The Tiger King Important Question to get a better understanding of your preparation level. Start practicing now.

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Question 1.

Why was the Maharaja once in danger of losing his kingdom? (Delhi 2017)

Question 2.

How did the Maharaja deal with high ranking British officer who wanted to shoot a tiger? (Delhi 2017)

Question 3.

Why did the Maharaja have to pay a bill of three lakh rupees to the British jewellers? (Delhi 2017)

Question 4.

Why did the Maharaja decide to get married? (All India 2017)

Question 5.

Which problem did the Maharaja face when he had killed seventy tigers? How did he solve it? (All India 2017)

Question 6.

When did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax for a village? (All India 2017)

Question 7.

How did the Tiger King die? Did the astrologer’s prediction come true? (Comptt. Delhi 2017)

Question 8.

When he was only ten days old, a prediction was made about the future of the Tiger King. What was ironic about it? (Delhi 2016)

Question 9.

How did the ten-day-old baby (the future Tiger King) react to the prediction about his future made by the astrologers? (Delhi 2016)

Question 10.

What kind of life was enjoyed by crown prince Jung Bahadur till he reached the age of j twenty? (Delhi 2016)
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Question 1.

What was the prediction made by astrologers when the king was born? (Comptt. Delhi 2016)

Question 2.

How did the Tiger King save his kingdom from the British? (Comptt. All India 2016)

Question 3.

How did the dewan and his wife help in getting the hundredth tiger for the king? (Comptt. All India 2016)

Question 4.

The manner of his (The Tiger King’s) death is a matter of extraordinary interest. Comment. (All India 2015)

Question 5.

When was the Tiger King in danger of losing his throne? (All India 2015)

Question 6.

Why did the Tiger King decide to get married? (All India 2015)

Question 7.

How did the Maharaja overcome the difficulty created by a high-ranking British Officer? (Comptt. All India 2015)

Question 8.

Who killed the 100th tiger? Why? (Comptt. All India 2015)

Question 9.

Giving a bribe is an evil practice. How did the Tiger King bribe the British officer to save his kingdom? How do you view this act of his? (Delhi 2015)

Question 10.

Even today so many among us believe in superstitions. An astrologer predicted about The Tiger King’ that he would be killed by a tiger. He ‘killed’ one hundred tigers yet was him¬self ‘killed’ by a tiger. How did the supersti¬tious belief ‘prevail’? (All India 2015)
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