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CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 2 - Contemporary Centres of Power: In CBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 2 Contemporary Centres Of Power students get familiar with various concepts. European Union, Association Of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), its objectives and keys, The Rise Of The Chinese Economy, India-China Relations, are the key concepts defined in the chapter. The students can learn about the topics to prepare themselves to write answers in the exams.
Reading about the rise of new economic and political powers such as the European Union, Japan, and China, gives students knowledge about the powerful countries. The chapter also gives them information about the influence of regional powers like Brazil, India, and Russia on the global stage. The chapter introduces students to the shift from a bipolar world to a multipolar world. This introduces them to the multiple centres of power that exist. The chapter also elucidates the power dynamics these centres hold. In addition, students also get to know about the evolving role of the United States in the changing world.
The students will have to attempt different types of questions from the chapter. They will be able to answer all types of short and long questions. Following are some of the questions that students can practice. Check the marks allocated to the questions and write answers accordingly.
Q.1 - What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations?
Q.2 - In what ways does the present Chinese economy differ from its command economy?
Q.3 - How did the European countries resolve their Post Second World War problem? Briefly outline the attempts that led to the formation of the European Union.
Q.4 - The emerging economies of China and India have great potential to challenge the unipolar world. Do you agree with the statement? Substantiate your arguments.
Q.5 - Identify the contentious issues between China and India. How could these be resolved for greater cooperation? Give your suggestions.
Q.6 - How does geographical proximity influence the formation of regional organisations?
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