CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 3 - Politics of Planned Development Important Questions with Answers

CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 3 - Politics of Planned Development Important Questions with Answers are given here to help you score more marks. By solving CBSE Class 12th Political Science 3 questions, you will be solving exam-oriented questions only.

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CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 3 - Politics of Planned Development Important Questions with Answers are provided in this article so that you can prepare well in the upcoming exam. Since CBSE 12th Board exam 2025 has already started, going through these below mentioned important questions and answers from CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 3 can be helpful. The politics of planned development is the concept that talks about how a country plans for economic growth and social justice. The chapter also highlights the role of the government in the process of economic growth and social justice. By a planned development we mean a process of creating plans to achieve an improved lifestyle quality for the citizens of the state, determining steps and identifying the goals. A planned development aims to contribute to bigger goals for nation regarding socio-economic development. Initiatives taken for planned development will be at achieving the goals of economic development. The government should plan development by taking all sections of society into consideration along with all strata of the economic sphere.

In CBSE Class 12 exam, the Political Science syllabus 2024-25 has two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A focuses on the Contemporary World Politics where you will read about the political landscape beyond India's borders. Part B talks about the Politics In India Since Independence that is about the political developments in India after it gained independence in 1947. Politics of Planned Development is the third chapter of Part B, Politics In India Since Independence. Total marks allotted for this third chapter is 2 marks. There are a total of 8 chapters in Part B: Politics In India Since Independence. Prepare thoroughly with the most important questions of CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 3 - Politics of Planned Development. You can first cover the CBSE Class 12th Political Science syllabus to understand the key topics and then start solving the CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 3 - Politics of Planned Development Important Question to get a better understanding of your preparation level. Start practicing now.

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Question 1.

Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Political Science Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 12 Politics of Planned Development 1
(i) Identify and name the person who is holding the balancing beam between the public sector and the private sector.
(ii) Why has a big tilt towards the public sector been shown in the cartoon?
(iii) How did the over-emphasis on public sector adversely affect the Indian economy? (All India 2017)

Question 2.

Evaluate the major outcomes of the Indian model of mixed economy. (All India 2016)
Critically examine the major outcomes of the Indian model of mixed economy. (HOTS; Delhi 2016)

Question 3.

Examine the different areas of agreement and disagreement with respect to the model of economic development to be adopted in India after independence, (HOTS; Delhi 2016)

Question 4.

Assess the outcomes of the early phase of planned development in India. (All India 2016,2013)
Assess the outcome of planned development towards the foundation of India’s economic growth and land reforms. Delhi 2011

Question 5.

Which two models of modern development were there before India on the eve of independence? Which model did India decide to choose and why? (Delhi 2015)

Question 6.

Describe the strategy adopted by the Government of India to promote the Green Revolution, (All India 2015)

Question 7.

Explain any two merits and two demerits each of the Green Revolution. (Delhi 2015)
List any two merits and two demerits of the Green Revolution. (Delhi 2014)
Highlight any two positive and two negative outcomes of the Green Revolution. (All India 2010)

Question 8.

State any two differences between the First Five Year Plan and the Second Five Year Plan. (All India 2015. Delhi 2013)

Question 9.

Describe any four consequences of the Green Revolution? (Delhi 2015)

Question 10.

Differentiate between the capitalist and the socialist models of development. (HOTS; All India 2014)
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Question 1.

What is meant by decentralised planning? (All India 2014, 2012)

Question 2.

Who is the ex-officio chairperson of the Planning Commission of India? (All India 2013)

Question 3.

What was ‘Bombay Plan’? (All India 2013)

Question 4.

What was significant about PC Mahalanobis? (All India 2013)
Who was PC Mahalanobis? (Delhi 2009)

Question 5.

Who was popularly known as ‘the milkman of India’? (All India 2013)

Question 6.

Mention any two merits of Green Revolution. (All India 2013)

Question 7.

Which are the two models of development? Which model of development was adopted by India? (Delhi 2013)

Question 8.

What was the main objective of the second Five Year Plan? (All indin 2012)

Question 9.

What was Green Revolution?
Mention its any two positive and any two negative consequences. (Delhi 2012,2008; All India 2011,2008)

Question 10.

Explain the main arguments in the debate that ensued between industrialisation and agricultural development at the time of Second Five Year Plan. (All India 2012)
Examine the controversy regarding Agriculture vs Industry in India after the 2nd Five Year Plan. (Delhi (C) 2008)
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