CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 5 - Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System Important Questions with Answers

CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 5 - Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System Important Questions with Answers are given here to help you score more marks. By solving CBSE Class 12th Political Science 5 questions, you will be solving exam-oriented questions only.

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CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 5 - Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System Important Questions with Answers are provided here to help you score incredible marks. It can be assumed that by now you have completed the political science syllabus. Going through these Congress System Important Questions with Answers can be cherry on top. Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System is an important chapter in the Political Science Class 12. This chapter highlights the complicated mechanics of the Congress System of India, while analyzing how it struggled and finally restorated. The Congress System, through the lens of the Indian National Congress party's dominance in the political landscape after independence, faced a lot of difficulties and disturbances. In brief, this chapter talks about how the Congress System evolved, how new political forces rised, and the measures that were taken to regain its dominance in defiance of shifting political perspectives. You will study about the comprehensive overview of the complexity of Indian politics during this critical period. Important topics that must not be avoided are Challenge of Political Succession, Fourth General Elections, 1967, Split in the Congress, and The 1971 Election and Restoration of Congress

The CBSE Class 12 Political Science syllabus 2024-25 has two parts: Part A and Part B. In Part A (Contemporary World Politics) there will be the political landscape beyond India's borders. Part B (Politics In India Since Independence) focuses on the political developments in India after it became independent in 1947. Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System is chapter 5 of Part B, Politics In India Since Independence. Total marks allotted for this chapter is 4 marks. There are a total of 8 chapters in Part B. Prepare thoroughly with the most important questions of CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 5 - Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System. You can first cover the CBSE Class 12th Political Science syllabus to understand the key topics and then start solving the CBSE Class 12th Political Science Chapter 5 - Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System Important Question to get a better understanding of your preparation level. Start practicing now.

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Question 1.

Analyse the issue ‘India vs the Syndicate’; What type of challenges did the issue pose before Indira Gandhi? (All India 2017)
What does the term ‘Syndicate’ mean in the context of the Congress Party of the sixties? What role did the Syndicate play in the Congress party? (Delhi 2008)

Question 2.

Assess the role of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad towards maintaining communal harmony in India. (All India 2016)

Question 3.

Examine the major changes that the country witnessed at the time of fourth general election in 1967. (All India 2016)
Examine the grave economic crisis prior to the fourth general elections of 1967. Assess the verdict of the electorate based on the election. (Delhi 2010)
How did the fourth General Elections (1967) in India change the dynamics of Indian politics? (All India 2009)

Question 4.

Analyse the circumstances that favoured Indira Gandhi to become Prime Minister after the death of Lai Bahadur Shastri. Mention any four achievements of Indira Gandhi that made her popular as a Prime Minister. (Delhi 2016)
Analyse any three factors which enhanced the popularity of Indira Gandhi in the early 1970s. (All India 2014)
Analyse any three major factors which led the popularity of Indira Gandhi’s Government in the early 1970s. (Delhi 2013)
What were the factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi’s Government in the early 1970s? (All India 2008)
Explain any six factors which led to the popularity of Indira Gandhi’s Government in the early 1970s. (Delhi 2012)

Question 5.

Which major factor was responsible for the dramatic victory of Indira Gandhi in 1971 elections? (Delhi 2015)

Question 6.

Explain any three causes of the split in the Congress Party in 1969. (All India 2015)
Examine the three main reasons responsible for the split in the Congress Party during 1969. (Delhi 2014)
Examine the major issues which led to the split of Congress Party in 1969. (All India 2014)
Examine any six factors which were responsible for split of the Congress in 1969. (All India 2011, All India (C) 2008)
Explain the major issues which were responsible for the formal split of the Congress Party in 1969. (All India 2011)

Question 7.

Which two political parties were the major partners in the ruling alliance after the 1971 General Elections to the Lok Sabha. (All India 2014)

Question 8.

Who represent Congress (O) and Congress (K) after the split of the Congress Party? (Delhi 2014)

Question 9.

Who was the official Congress candidate for the post of President of India in 1969? (Delhi 2014)

Question 10.

What is meant by ‘Congress Syndicate’? (Delhi 2014, 2013)
What is meant by ‘Syndicate with regard to the split in Congress? (All India 2010)
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Question 1.

What does defection stand for in Indian politics? Highlight any two demerits of this practice. (Delhi 2014)

Question 2.

Describe the organisation of the Congress Party as a social and ideological coalition, (All India 2014)

Question 3.

Assess any three challenges that the Congress Party had to face during the period from 1964 to 1971. (All India 2014)

Question 4.

What is meant by ‘Privy Purse’? (Delhi 2013)

Question 5.

After the death of Lai Bahadur Shastri, which two leaders of the Congress Party contested against one another to become leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party? (Delhi 2013)
After the death of Lai Bahadur Shastri on 10th January 1966, how did Indira Gandhi become the next Prime Minister? (All India 2010)

Question 6.

After which General Election in India did Congress Party lose its dominance for the first time at the centre? (Delhi 2013)

Question 7.

Name the two main contenders who contested the election for the post of President of India in 1969. (All India 2013)

Question 8.

The results of which elections were called ‘Political earthquake’? (All India 2012)
Why are the results of 1967 elections in India called ‘political earthquake’? (Delhi 2010)

Question 9.

What is meant by defection? (All India 2012, 2008)

Question 10.

Name the leaders who gave the following slogans (Delhi 2012)
(i) Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan
(ii) Garibi Hatao
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