TT Full Form

Sudeshna chakrabartiUpdated On: July 18, 2023 03:17 pm IST

TT full form is Tetanus Toxoid and it is a type of vaccine which is used to protect against tetanus, an infection caused due to a bacteria named Clostridium Tetani. The bacteria produce a toxin which can cause spasms and muscle stiffness which leads to ‘Lockjaw’, difficulties in swallowing and many other health issues.


What is the Full Form of TT?

As mentioned above the full form of TT is Tetanus Toxoid which is used to prevent Tetanus. It is a serious and acute bacterial infection which directly affects the nervous system and is caused due to bacteria known as Clostridium Tetani. The vaccine Tetanus Toxoid works by stimulating the body’s immune system which helps in neutralizing tetanus toxins thereby reducing the risk of disease contact. 

It is given in combination with other vaccines like diphtheria and pertussis (DPT)The injection doses are mainly classified into two types the first is primary, it is given to infants which helps to boost their immunization. The first dose is given at 2 months of age and then after specific intervals and the second is booster doses are given in the time period of 10 years adolescents and adults are recommended to take TT dose. Pregnant women are also advised to take which helps in protecting them and their newborns.

History of TT

The first Tetanus Toxoid (TT full form) was developed by French immunologist Gaston Ramon in 1924. He used to work at Pasteur Institute located in Paris, where he developed a method which purifies and helps in inactivity of the tetanus toxin. The invention of TT is considered the most useful in the immunology field and also led to the discovery of other vaccines like pertussis and diphtheria toxoid. 

During World war II in 1938 a more effective version was developed. The vaccine named as Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTP) was developed in the year 1948 and was continued till 1991 and was later replaced by vaccine known as acellular pertussis because DTP vaccine was causing redness, pain and swelling around the area where needle was injected. In 1992 two more vaccines were introduced which combined tetanus and diphtheria with the acellular pertussis.

Why is TT Necessary?

TT is necessary to take as it helps in preventing from getting infected by Clostridium Tetani. These are the bacteria which live in soil and manure. The person gets infected by wounds occurred during cut or accident/injury. TT injection, full form of which is Tetanus Toxoid, helps in preventing serious complications due to infection. 

How much TT doses are provided?

Below are the doses given to different age of people

For Children/Kids

  • 4 doses of DTaP vaccine is given to children before completing 2 years
  • 1 dose at age of 4-6
  • 1 booster dose is given at age of 11 - 12

For Adults

  • 3 doses of TT consisting of vaccine is given each month
  • 4th dose is given after 10 years of initial dose
  • 5th dose after 10 years from date of 4th dose

For Pregnant women

  • 1st dose is given when pregnancy is conformed
  • 2nd dose is given after 4 weeks from date of taking 1st dose

What are the Different Types of Tetanus?

Below mentioned are the different types of tetanus

1. Diphtheria and Tetanus (DT) Vaccines: It is basically a mixture of two vaccines called tetanus and Diphtheria and is given as a shot.

2. Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccine: It is a combination of three which includes diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. But DTaP contains lower levels of tetanus and pertussis as compared to DT but contains higher concentration of tetanus antigen than DT. It is given to the children as a shot.

3. Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td) Vaccine: It is considered as a booster dose and it contains low concentration of tetanus and diphtheria as compared to DTaP. The vaccine is given to both age groups adolescents and adults..

4. Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine: It is considered as a one time booster dose it helps in preventing diseases like tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. They are the same as DTaP but they contain low levels of diphtheria and pertussis and high levels of tetanus.

What are the Causes of Tetanus?

Below mentioned are the causes of Tetanus

  • It is caused due to bacterial infection including Clostridium tetani
  • These bacteria are found in the soil and feces of animals and infect the human body through wounds, cuts or burns.
  • It can also occur during surgery, the birth of a child and during skin injuries
  • It also occurs when an individual doesn’t take vaccination at the time of disease
  • It is among serious disease if not taken care it leads to muscle stiffness, spasms and sometimes even deaths
  • It also occurs as complication of other diseases like sepsis or gangrene

What are the Symptoms of Tetanus?

Below are the symptoms of Tetanus which can occur anywhere in the human body  

1.   Spasms in abdominal muscles and back muscles

2.   Spasms and stiffness in jaw muscle which creates difficulty in mouth opening and during swallowing

3.   Increase in heartbeat

4.   High Blood pressure

5.   Difficulty in breathing

6.   Seizures

7.   Issues in respiratory

8.   Frequent changes in BP and heartbeat

9.   Irritation or agitation

10.   Sweating

11.   High fever

What are the Side Effects of TT?

Below mentioned are some temporary side effects of Tetanus Toxoid (TT full form) which may develop in the human body

  • Nausea
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Headache

Interesting Facts about TT

  • TT, full form of which is Tetanus Toxoid, produces a poison which directly affects brain & nerves
  • Any kind of wound can lead to tetanus 
  • There is high mortality rates due to tetanus 
  • According to reports 75 million women and newborns are not vaccinated with TT globally
  • As per survey globally on approx 25 million children missed primary dose of TT
  • There are several countries who don't provides TT booster doses


What is the full form of TT ?

The full form of TT is Tetanus Toxoid


What is the duration of TT’s next dose?

It depends on the individual when they took the last TT dose as after every 10 years doctors recommend to take a dose.


What to do if side effects stay for long?

The side effects of TT are temporary if someone suffering from serious illness should immediately consult the doctor as negligence can lead to serious problems.


Why is TT dose recommended to pregnant women?

Pregnant women are also recommended to take dose as TT is safe and helps to protect both pregnant women as well as children.


Where is TT given to infants and young children?

In young children,TT is generally given in the vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh 


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