UTI Full Form

Sudeshna chakrabartiUpdated On: August 14, 2023 09:50 am IST

UTI's full form is Urinary Tract Infection and is a type of infection that affects the urinary system. It is basically caused due to bacteria attacks in either the upper or lower urinary parts. In some cases, the infection may spread to the bladder and kidney as well. To prevent this harmful health issue, discover its symptoms, causes and treatment methods from this article.

What is the Full Form of UTI?

The full form of UTI is urinary tract infection which is a type of urinary infection affecting the urethra, bladder and kidneys. Women remain susceptible to this infection because compared to men, women have a shorter urethra which enables bacteria to travel short distances in reaching the bladder. 

If the infection is not detected at the right time, serious health issues can cause complications. Individuals experiencing pain when urinating or a burning sensation must immediately consult a doctor as it can be a sign of UTI. Early stages of urinary tract infection can be treated with the help of antibiotics; however, a late diagnosis can lead to kidney infection.

What are the Types of UTIs?

UTIs are caused by bacterial growth either in the upper or lower urinal tract. This infection can impact the health of both men and women; however, due to the structure of the urethra, women remain prone to the issue. Well, to get a complete understanding of the infection, it's vital to learn about its types.

  • Vaginitis: This is a form of urinary tract infection which leads to inflammation in the vagina basically, caused by the growth of bacteria.
  • Cystitis: This infection is more prevalent among women compared to men. E.coli is the microbe causing infection in the bladder. One of its major reasons can be frequent sexual intercourse.
  • Pyelonephritis: When UTI is left untreated, it gradually infects the kidney resulting in inflammation in the kidneys. 

What are the Symptoms of UTI?

As mentioned above UTI attacks the lower or upper urinary tract and has a higher chance of spreading to other parts of the urinary system. To ensure the health issue can be diagnosed before it proves fatal, check for the following signs and symptoms.

  • A strong and persistent urge to urinate
  • Pain and a burning sensation when passing urine
  • Urine emitting a pungent smell
  • Colour of urine trung pink, brown or red
  • Bloody discharge with urine
  • Women experiencing pelvic pain
  • Experiencing occasional chills and fever

Well, detecting any of these symptoms does not confirm a UTI; however, individuals experiencing any such signs can consult their physician and get a proper diagnosis.

What are the Major Causes of UTIs?

Urinary Tract Infection(UTI full form) occurs due to a microbe attack in the urinary tract. Though infection can be caused by various types of microorganisms, the main catalyst in UTI is Escherichia coli. E.coli leads to complicated conditions in people with UTI. Here are some other pathogens causing this urinary infection.

Bacteria Responsible for  Complicated UTI

Bacteria Responsible for  Uncomplicated UTI

E coli

E coli


Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Streptococcus (Group B)


Enterococcus faecalis

S aureus

Staphylococcus aureus

Proteus mirabilis

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Some of the common causes of UTI have been discussed below that majorly disrupt the functioning of the urethra and bladder, especially in women.


Individuals with frequent incidences of constipation remain prone to urinary tract infections. During constipation, the bladder cannot remove the waste properly from the body leading to bacterial growth. 


UTI is common among women more likely to be involved in sexual intercourse. During sex, bacteria can easily transfer from the vaginal area to the urethra. Often physicians suggest peeing 30 mins after sex.


People with high blood sugar levels run at a risk of getting UTIs because excessive amounts from the body pass through urine which offers space for bacterial outgrowth. 

Feminine Products

Women wearing sanitary pads or tampons for longer hours cause the growth of bacteria. In fact, wearing synthetic or nylon underwear can even lead to infections. 

Risk Factors Leading to UTI

UTI, the full form of which is urinary tract infection, is common among women. A lot of factors like age, menopause and other components increase the risk of getting diagnosed with UTIs. Alleviating a health issue like UTI requires one to gain adequate insight into the risk factors, and find some of the factors increasing the risk of infection.

  1. Menopause: Women belonging to the age group 55 or above are mostly diagnosed with UTIs. One of the prime reasons is menopause which reduces the circulation of estrogen that results in changes in the urinary tract.
  2. Use of Catheter: People facing problems in urinating use a tube called a catheter. The use of this clinical device increases the chances of urinary infections.
  3. Use of Birth Control: Be it birth control pills or any other method affects the pH balance of the vagina. Using birth control procedures results in high pH thereby, causing bacterial outgrowth.
  4. Poor Immune System: Human body can prevent disease caused by bacteria with a strong immune system. People who have poor immune systems caused due to any health issue are more likely to get a urinary infection.

Overview of Diagnosis Process of UTI

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI full form) can be diagnosed using various methods. People experiencing issues in urination can consult their physicians and undergo any of the following tests to avoid complications.

  • Urinary Tract Image analysis: UTIs can be caused due to some structural issues in the urinary tract. To understand the root cause of the problem, doctors conduct ultrasound or CT scans and make use of contact dye to highlight issue-ridden structures in the urinary part.
  • Urine sample: Health providers may ask patients to bring their urine samples for analysis. During this test, doctors check the red blood cells, white blood cells and the presence of any microbes in the urine.
  • Cystoscopy: People with frequent or complicated UTIs are advised to undergo a test called cystoscopy. In this process, a thin tube is inserted into the urethra and passed through the bladder to examine the condition of the urethra.

How to Treat UTI?

As Urinary tract infection (UTI full form) can be both severe and mild; hence, the treatment methods might vary accordingly. Generally, physicians recommend antibiotics as it helps reduce bacterial growth. Some of the medicines you can take when diagnosed with mild UTI include cephalexin, fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin and ceftriaxone. 

Individuals facing frequent episodes of infections and experiencing discomfort while peeing might not find medicines helping in alleviating their condition. Severe UTI may require your physician to recommend medicine like doripenem, piperacillin or tazobactam. Vaginal estrogen therapy is adopted in cases where women reached menopause. 


What is the full form of UTI?

UTI full form is urinary tract infection and is caused by bacterial outgrowth in the urinary tract. 


How does UTI get severe?

Bacteria causing UTI enters the urinary tract and travels through the bladder and can reach the kidney leading to serious health conditions


What are some safe practices to prevent UTIs?

  • Avoid using powders or chemical based product in vagina
  • Don’t hold urine for longer period
  • Stay hydrated
  • Wipe vaginal area after urinating

Can UTI in family history increase risk?

Yes, people who have a family history of UTI, full form of which is urinary tract infection, are more likely to get the infection


Are there any home remedies to treat UTIs?

  • Avoid having more caffeine
  • Use heating pad when feeling discomfort
  • Drink plenty of water

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