The DSP, full form of which is the Director- General of Police, holds the highest rank of a police officer in the specific state or union territory. Also, the Director General of Police acts as a head to all the police forces in the given state or union territory. The DSP assumes the position after qualifying the National level examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
Read on to know about the roles of DSP and how various administrative powers are applicable for maintaining the law and orders of the society and controlling the chaos and disturbance in the society. With several years of experience in police service, the officers are eligible for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police.
The DSP full form stands for Deputy Superintendent of Police. DSP refers to the rank and position of a police officer in the Indian Police Service (IPS). These are the state-level police officers who maintain law and order that falls within the specific state jurisdictions.
The DSP has the similar authority as the ACP, full form of which is Assistant Commissioner of Police and may be promoted to IPS after a few years of service according to state government legislation. Promotional exams are held to determine which police officers would be promoted to the level of DSP. Inspectors are typically promoted to DSP rank after the completion of specific years of service. In many states like Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, they are commonly recognised or posted as Circle Officers (C.O.).
The DSP is the subordinate officer to the Superintendent of Police (SP). DSP aids the S.P. and oversees all police department operations, including crime prevention, police station management, investigative control etc. The key responsibilities of DSP are as follows:
To become a DSP, one must fulfill the criteria which is listed below:
The candidate who aspires to become DSP has to appear for the state-level exam that is conducted by the State Public Service Commission. The examination for DSP is particularly considered as tough in nature as it is conducted in several processes. Only a candidate who qualifies all the stages of the exam is eligible for recruitment to the specific post. The various process of the exam that is conducted for the recruitment to the DSP post includes three stages:
Candidates are also required to undergo probationary training and gain practical level of knowledge before they get posted as Deputy Superintendent of Police.
The DSP full form is Deputy Superintendent of Police.
According to state government legislation, DSPs are compared in terms of work to ACPs (Assistant Commissioners of Police) and may be promoted to the rank of IPS after a few years of service.
In India, the average salary for a DSP is 49,569 rupees per month with other benefits, perks and allowances provided.
SP - Full form of SP is Superintendent of Police, after completing the IPS training in Hyderabad, the first post given is Assistant Superintendent of Police.
DSP - DSP Full Form is Deputy Superintendent of Police which is the state cadre post allocated after Assistant Commissioner of Police.