IC full form is Integrated Circuit. An integrated circuit is a different semiconductor device such as a capacitor or diode, which can be integrated onto a chip. These integrated devices are used to create logic gates, memory elements or any other electronic components. But do you know there is a lot more to know about IC? Continue reading to find more interesting information on IC, their function , benefits and many more.
The full form of IC is Integrated Circuit. It is a microchip that consists of thousands of electronic components which are made of millions of components such as transistors, resistors and capacitors. Integrated Circuit(IC) consists of many components or units which are grouped together to conduct a specific function. ICs made up of different types of diodes, resistors, transistors, capacitors etc. IC is used in almost every electronic device where semiconductor components are used. Semiconductors are conduction in which there is a free flow of electrons in uniform direction through a wire, but not the other way around. IC is a tiny chip that adopts up the functions of an oscillator, amplifier, microprocessor, timer and even computer memory. Constructed with a semiconductor material, it holds an assortment of microscopic elements like diodes, transistors, resistors and capacitors. All these components are integrated to form a singular unit on the silicon IC.
The growth of the Integrated Circuit that is the full form of IC, dates back to 1958. Jack Kilby, in the year 1957, laid the proposal of the primitive idea to the US Air Force. He successfully demonstrated its functions and workings on the 12th of September 1958. It can be noted that the very first customer of the IC was the US Air Force. The invention of the Integrated circuit provided Kilby a Nobel Prize in Physics. Experimenting with advanced production methods, Robert Noyce came up with the first authentic monolithic IC chip, exactly six months after Kilby.
In the present day, all the electronic appliances that we use daily in our homes contain integrated circuits attached to it. For example- Televisions, Laptops, Cell phones, Tablets etc.
The main function of an integrated circuit is to regulate the flow of electricity through different components in an electronic device. It can be smaller than a grain of rice in size and can hold more electronic components than any other older technology.
The first IC was invented by Jack Kilby in 1958. He also received a patent for his invention in 1960. In 1969, Robert Noyce from Texas Instruments, developed a provision to make multiple circuits on the same IC. He named his design an ‘integrated circuit’ based on Kilby's name for his invention.
There are two types of Integrated Circuits that are designed. They are:
There are a variety of applications for the functioning of integrated circuits. Some of the examples are cited below:
The Integrated Circuit has undergone various development procedures to finally get into the form of developed IC. Major classifications of IC are:
Further, it can be noticed that two more varieties, such as the Digital IC and the Analogue IC or even a combination of the two, makes the new 3rd variety.
The usage of IC provides ease in the working and application process. Various advantages of IC are given below:
Every good thing comes with a downside too. Some of the disadvantages of IC are mentioned as:
The limitations of IC which effects its usage and functions are:
Integrated circuits are used in various appliances such as voltage regulators, multiples, radio receivers, RF and IF amplifiers, voltage comparators, small-signal amplifiers, microwave amplifiers, operational amplifiers, power amplifiers etc. ICs are also used in Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, Clock chips, Counters, Calculator chips, Flip-flops, Multiplexers and used in Timers in stopwatch.
The IC full form is ‘integrated Circuit’ in computers
In current times, the most commonly used IC is monolithic integrated circuits.
IC is most commonly used in Electronic equipment such as computers and mobile phones.
The categories of IC design are:
Yes. The Use of IC is useful in modern day technologies as it is very compact, effective and easy to use.