The IEEE full form is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, which was established on 1st January 1963. The large institution comprises 1000 employees along with excellent technical mentors. In the beginning, there were two different entities: the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE). However, after merging these two entities, IEEE was formed.
IEEE full form is Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is a professional association or alliance with nonprofit organizations. It is composed of engineers, scientists, allied professionals, advancing innovation and technological excellence for the growth and benefit of humanity. IEEE mainly focuses in the key areas of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology. Moreover, IEEE conducts various conferences to elevate the standard of professional excellence. This community of association of technical officers works together on advancing different inventions for the well-being of mankind.
It is noted that the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) was founded in 1912 and AIEEE was founded in 1884. In the beginning it consisted of 150,000 members, 140,000 of whom were from the United States. However by 2010, it had more than 395000 members belonging from 160 countries. The Board of Management consists of an Executive Director and other senior executives in the panel. Right now the president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is Susan K (Kathy) Land.
This significant association/group of the engineers commits to raising the standard of innovation and technical perfection to bring changes to the level of human life and aspects. This non-profit organization claims to introduce various improvements to technical gadgets and services. The experienced engineers work day and night meticulously to develop the implementation of science to bring advancement and development in human life.
IEEE 1284 – Parallel Port: It is an interface utilized by the early desktop and PCs
IEEE 1394 – Firewire: It is a high-speed interface for digital video cams, external hard drives and other audio or video peripherals
IEEE 802 – LAN/MAN: Local Area Network and Metropolitan Area Network
IEEE 802.1 – MAC: Media Access Control
IEEE 802.2 – LLC: Logical Link Control
In introduction of development in the well-being of mankind, technological advancement plays a crucial role. Without constant experiments and inspections, it is next to impossible to invent new ways of scientific innovations. IEEE plays a substantial role in maintaining the development of technological experiments that result in useful inventions in the field of science.
Electrical engineering is at the forefront of developing and innovating new technologies for a number of industries such as transport, healthcare, construction and robotics. The advantages of IEEE are:
Along With various advantages of IEEE, there lies certain disadvantages as well. Let us look into the disadvantages of IEEE which are as follows:
To join this reputed institution, the candidates will have to earn the membership. If you join this prestigious engineering institute, then you can get benefitted to a larger extent. The membership will further allow you to access the available information. Moreover, you will be able to attend the local events organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Apart from that, the IEEE group will also enable you to:
Over the decades followed by, the social roles of the technologies under IEEE’s aegis continued to be scattered across the world and spread into more and more areas of people's lives. The professional groups and technical boards of the early institutions evolved into IEEE Societies. By the early 21st century, IEEE served its members and their interests with 39 Societies, 130 journals, transactions and magazines, held more than 300 conferences annually and maintained 900 active standards.
Since that time, computers gradually evolved from massive mainframes to desktop appliances to portable devices, linked to global networks connected by copper wire, chips, microwaves, satellites or fiber optics. IEEE’s fields of interest expanded much beyond electrical and electronics engineering, computing into areas such as micro- and nanotechnologies, ultrasonics, bioengineering, robotics, electronic materials and many other fields. Electronics became ubiquitous, and marked its integrated presence in everything from jet cockpits to industrial robots to medical imaging.
As the various technologies and the industries that developed them increasingly transcended national boundaries, IEEE is in pace. It is now a ‘global institution’ that uses the innovations of the practitioners it represents to enhance IEEE’s excellence in delivering products and services to members, industries and the public at large. Various Publications and Educational Programs are delivered online, similar to member services such as renewal and elections. As per sources by 2020, IEEE comprised over 395,000 members in 160 countries. Through its scattered global network of geographical units, publications, web services and conferences, IEEE remains the world's largest technical professional organization.
The IEEE full form is Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IEEE consists of 40,000 members from 160 countries.
Technologies under IEEE are continuously spread across the world and are reaching into more and more areas of people's lives.
An IEEE is a non-profit professional association.
The headquarter of IEEE is situated in New York, USA.