IR full form is Infrared Radiation. It is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The IR is represented as wavelength. The spectrum includes different forms of radiation which include x- rays, night vision glasses and many more. The IR is categorized into three categories of region which are near, middle and far IR.
As mentioned above the full form of IR is Infrared Radiation it is also considered a heat wave or thermal wave. The IR is represented as a wavelength which ranges between 710 nm to 1 mm. Further, they are also characterized as near and far rays. The near rays are used in photography and remote. The far infrared is considered thermal. Mostly thermal radiation emitted by objects presented in or near the room is known as infrared. It can’t be seen with a human eye but it can be sensed.
As per NASA, IR was discovered in the year 1800 by a British Astronomer named William Herschel. During his experiment measuring the temperature between the colors which are visible in the spectrum, and then he placed a thermometer in a path within visible color in the spectrum. After he witnessed the temperature increase from blue to red.
In his experiment, Herschel discovered and remarked that as the color progressed from violet to all the way red, the temperature kept on increasing. To proceed more in the experiment, Herschel also measured the way to the red light. Whereas in the infrared area, the temperature was found to be the highest of all.
The wavelength of IR is categorized into 3 ranges
1. 1um to 3um is considered short-wave IR
2. 3um to 5 um is considered Middle wave IR
3. 8um to 14um is considered long-wave IR
1. Near Infrared
2. Short wavelength infrared
3. Medium infrared
4. Long-wavelength infrared
5. Far infrared
Below mentioned are sectors/ areas where IR is used regularly
Application of Infrared Radiation
The infrared radiation is used as a heating source in the medical industry. With the application of Infrared radiation, issues such as high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis. In the context and use in physiotherapy, infrared radiation is considered as one of the safest.
In the industrial and manufacturing use, infrared radiation is used in the manufacturing process such as forming of plastics, coating, curing, welding of plastics etc. In place of contact heating and in convection ovens, infrared technology is used.
The infrared radiation is used in a wide range of cosmetic applications. From treating the skin injuries, smoothing wrinkles, reducing the occurrence of wrinkles, dandruffs, blackheads, infrared radiation is used. There lies a wider application of infrared radiation because of its penetrative power (it can penetrate skin upto 3-4 mm). In dermatology, the infrared radiation is used in warming the skin, which improves the circulation of blood and provides a continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the skin. Therefore, the use of infrared radiation in cosmetics is considered wider.
Written by:
Deepit Mathur
The full form of IR is Infrared Radiation
IR is measured through the infrared thermometer
IR is used in daily use appliances such as remotes, temperature sensors, night vision equipment
No, generally IR is not considered harmful to the human body
In the medical sector, IR is used for giving therapies for pain relief, thermography and imaging