pH Full Form- What is the Full Form of pH?

Sudeshna chakrabartiUpdated On: June 28, 2023 05:18 pm IST

pH full form is Potential of Hydrogen. is In a simpler language, pH is about the measure of how acidic/basic the water is. Do you know the additional use of pH value in scientific measure and how useful it is in daily lives? Read on to know about the history, usage and significance of pH value.


What is pH Full Form?

The pH full form is the potential of hydrogen. It refers to the concentration of the hydrogen ions in a solution and additionally acts as a measurement of the solution's acidity or basicity. A scale or a meter is typically used to decide the pH level. To specify the concentration of hydronium ions, a logarithmic scale is used. The pH of acids and bases is calculated using the negative logarithm (with base 10) of hydrogen ion (H+) activity.

The pH values vary from zero to fourteen at the pH scale. pH is referred to as the negative logarithm of the concentration of H+ ion3. That means, the meaning of pH is defined because of the power of hydrogen or strength of hydrogen. The acidity or basicity of the solution is determined by the pH which showcases the ion concentration.

History of pH

Sren Peder Lauritz Sorensen, a Danish chemist, introduced the concept of pH in 1909 at the Carlsberg Laboratory and it became revised to the present day pH in 1924 to deal with definitions and measurements in phrases of electrochemical cells.

What is the Formula of pH?

The pH is a unitless cost with a dimension scale. The value of the pH is calculated primarily based on the activity of positive hydrogen ions within the given solution. pH may be described because of the negative logarithm of the molecular hydronium-ion concentration. Below is the formulation used to calculate the pH of the solution-

pH = – log [H3O+]


pH  = log [H+]

pH of Acids, Bases and Neutral

The Potential of Hydrogen (pH full form) of the solution can vary from zero to fourteen. Below are degrees of pH in a solution:

Acids: Acidic solutions are the one with a pH value starting from zero to 7 at the pH scale. Extremely acidic solutions are those with a pH value of zero at the pH scale.

Bases: Basic solutions are those that exhibit a pH value starting from 7 to fourteen at the pH scale. Extremely alkaline solutions are those that have a pH value of 14 at the pH scale.

Neutral: Neutral solutions are the one with an actual pH value of seven at the pH scale.

Henceforth, the degrees of acidity and basicity in the solution are decided by means of the H+ and OH- ions. The acidity of the pH value decreases as the value increases from 0 to 7 and solutions with a pH value equal to 14 are called basic solutions. Acids that contain more of the H+ ions are known as the strong acid and the  acidic solution with less number of H+ ions are called weak acids.

What is the Significance of pH?

The significance of pH in everyday life is noted below:

  • The hydrochloric acid existing within the human belly enables digestion of meals. Indigestion of meals results in the discharge of a lot of HCL through the belly inflicting lots of ache and discomfort. This may be minimized with the use of antacids.
  • Before it becomes possible to exist, a living object can resist a particular variety of pH variations. In case of acid rain, for example, the pH of the water drops below 7. It elevates the pH of river water because it flows right into a river, making it tough for marine existence to survive.
  • When a bee stings us, we sense lots of ache due to the fact the bee injects methanoic acid into our bodies through its sting. As a result, we're often suggested to use baking soda or different moderate bases on the area to maintain the pH of the same.
  • As food waste decomposes, microorganisms in our mouth typically lessen the pH of our mouth by developing acids. As a result, we're recommended to brush our teeth with simple toothpaste to preserve the Potential of Hydrogen (pH full form) balance and keep away from decay.
  • Soil profile and the quality may be checked with pH scales in the field. In agriculture, the soil is analyzed to see which vegetation can be produced there. Only some varieties of vegetation  may be planted in acidic soil. Because acidic soil is infertile, it needs to be neutralized with lime earlier than vegetation can be grown.

Basic concept about pH

The pH scale values degrees is as follows:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

  • pH 1 – it's quite acidic in nature
  • pH 14 – it's quite basic in nature
  • beneath pH 7 – it's  acidity
  • pH 7 – it's far Neutral
  • above pH 7 – it is basicity in nature

In 1990, Sorenson discovered the primary idea of pH scale, in order to record such small concentrations of H + ions. The primary Concept of pH is to decide acidic and basic nature of chemical compounds or solutions. It is measured in the shape of H+ ions concentration. The acidity or basicity of the solution is discovered without difficulty with the aid of electronic equipment or pH paper. The pH paper is used to discover the pH value, full form of which is Potential of Hydrogen. One can’t discover the value of acidity or basicity of without pH.

pH is mostly needed in the fabric industries. pH value has to be constant earlier than dyeing of fabric materials. However, distinctive dye required a distinct pH value. Dyeing of textiles items is completed with acidic medium, basic medium and neutral medium.

For example,

• Reactive dyeing – excessive pH is needed for dyeing

• Direct dyeing – excessive pH is needed for dyeing

pH Value Usage in Chemistry, Biology, Physics

A Potential of Hydrogen (pH full form) meter includes a voltmeter, each connected to 1 electrode present inside the solution. Silver Chloride electrodes are mostly used in the solutions. The electrode acts as a battery when immersed in the solution. Battery-powered pH scales may be carried into the fields for checking the soil quality. You also can take different alternatives of testing like litmus paper.

The outcomes won’t be correct and could have diversions. It is better to check with a pH scale, full form of which is Potential of Hydrogen, if it's far available. Soil is examined in agriculture to understand ?which sort of plants may be grown there. If the soil is acidic, then selective styles of veggies may be sown. Acidic soil is infertile and so it is sweetened or neutralized with lime to develop plants.


What is the full form of pH?

The pH full form is Potential of Hydrogen.


Which solution can be referred to as alkaline?

Solutions with a pH value starting from 7 to fourteen at the pH scale are taken into consideration alkaline.


Is water acidic, alkaline, or neutral?

On the pH scale, the value of water is 7. Hence, water is neutral in nature.


What is the ph value of the subsequent terms?

(a) ph of milk – 6.5 to 6.7

(b) Normal water – 6.five to 8.5

(c) Lemon juice – 2

(d) cola, bear, vinegar – 3


What is the significance of ph?

  • pH helps to discover the chemical composition of the solution, distinctively.
  • pH controls the nutrients, organic function, microbial found in the solution.
  • pH helps to discover the real nature of chemicals.

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